August 17, 1766

1766 August 17 (Sunday).  Neither Mr. Moore nor Mr. Bowman have come to my help.  Know not what has befell my Daughters.  Leave them under the Care of divine Providence.  Read a.m. Isa. 32.  Preached a.m. on John 4.23.24 etc.  Mr. Cushing and sister dine with us.  P.M. read latter part of Joh. 4, but preached what I could deliver of an old Discourse on Joh. 4.23.24 because of the Chapter which was read.  Was obliged to omitt several parts of it and to make various alterations.  But may God be Pleased to render these feeble Endeavours effectual to our saving Good!  N.B. Mr. How that was so bad is better.  O that God would grant him His Almighty Grace, to awaken and convert him!  Mr. Cushing here after meeting and prayed at Evening but returned to his Lodging.