January 27, 1766

1766 January 27 (Monday).  Visit Mr. Joseph Grout’s Son Joseph who is Sick — and pray with him.  In going from thence to Mr. Nurse’s my Mare’s foot Slid So suddenly from under her that She came down upon her side, but I dismounted without Hurt.  D.G.  Visit at Mr. Nurse’s, at Mr. Eleazer Pratt’s, and Mr. Jos. Harringtons, where I buy Cheese — and Sup.  I understand Mr. Hemingway keeps a singing School there.  So that there are 4 Singing schools this Winter in this Parish.  May they be under divine Direction!  Billy watches with Eliz. Whipple, whose Fitts continue still.  Received a large Letter from Rev. Hawley of Mashpee Dated Nov. [blank] last.