January 1, 1766

1766 January 1 (Wednesday).  Verily I may say God is kind and gracious to me!  I would give Praise and Glory to His Name, for His most unmerited Goodness and Favour to me, a most unworthy Creature.  O how His Patience and Long suffering are extended to Me, though so unprofitable and Provoking to Him!  Our Company (See the Close of the last Year) left us after Breakfast; and my Daughters, Sarah and Suse, went in the Sleigh with them.  But I relucted, because it began to Snow and I feared the storm that would ensue.  They proposed indeed to go no farther than Capt. Maynards where they were all to dine.  P.M. I had good Opportunity for Reflections etc. etc. etc.  At about 3 o’Clock came Breck through the Storm from Townshend, having Sat out at about 3 in the Morning.  But the Journey was almost too hard for him, the storm having increased and the Cold very Sharp; on Foot and with a Pack.  At Eve came Billy also: but much worried also.  God be praised who Sustained them!  The storm grows very Severe.  The Girls tarry at Capt. Maynards till better Weather.  May God pity all that are exposed!

January 2, 1766

1766 January 2 (Thursday).  The Lord’s name be praised who protects and has Supplyed us!  For the storm lasts and is very tedious.  It continues through the Day.  We have both Billy and Breck to help John, both as to the Creatures and Wood; which we have enough of at the Door.  At Eve it clears, but the wind is sharp.  At my preparations.  Mr. John Forbes from Brookfield brings a Letter from my Son Forbes, about Kendal Land upon our plain etc. and delivers me his Burnetts Theory of the Earth.

January 5, 1766

1766 January 5  (Sunday).  Exceeding Cold.  Omitted public Reading by reason of the extremity of the Weather.  Preached a. and p.m. on that Solemn subject contained in Isa. 6.9.10, which may God be pleased to bless to me and all that heard!  Messrs. Fessenden and Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined here.  Old Ensign Miller dyed this Morning.  At Eve my Wife reading in Mr. Webb on the 4 last Things, particularly [punishments?] in Hell.  It was very affecting and I added a warm Exhortation to divers of my Children who were by.  O that God would please to impress us [deeply?] and effectually!

January 7, 1766

1766 January 7 (Tuesday).  My wife and I attended the Funeral of Ensign Miller so far as to go to the House and pray there, and then returned to Mr. Tainters (who waited on us there with his sleigh) where we dined.  Then Mr. Tainter transported us in like manner to old Mrs. Grouts where I preached on Rom. 13.11, which may God graciously Succeed!  Then we visited at Mr. Whitneys.  And Mr. Tainter was So good after all, as (he and his Wife) to conduct us home.

January 15, 1766

1766 January 15 (Wednesday).  Billy and Master Cushing wait on Sarah and Suse to Marlborough.  Memorandum.  I Sent Dr. Swifts Vol. 1 and 2 to Mr. Henry Barns, of whom I had borrowed them.  Visited Mr. Ezra Baker who grows very ill.  Prayed with him.  N.B. Talk with Messrs. Warrins at Mr. Timothy’s chiefly concerning joining with the Church and attending the Communion.  My Children return at Eve in the Rain.  Deacon Tainter here.  Master Cushing lodges here.

January 20, 1766

1766 January 20 (Monday).  Master to his school.  Mr. Moore after dinner goes to Oxford, and having Mr. Forbes’s Chair on Runners, carrys Suse with him to go to Brookfield.  I visit Stephen Pratt, at Mr. Jonathan Grouts.  Singing School is now kept at the Sabbath House.  Mr. Cushing has given Sarah and John their Schooling.  Deacon Tainter returns from his Marketing and pays John for his Fowls etc.  N.B. Sarah Springs Mother dyed lately in a sudden manner in her Bed.

January 22, 1766

1766 January 22 (Wednesday).  Deacon Burnap here, paid him for his Shovel.  Visit Mr. Daniel Adams’s Wife in her languishment.  Dined.  Prayed etc.  Visited at Moses Severs House, but he was not at home.  His Wife Seems to have Some religious Concern.  When I returned, Mr. Fessenden here.  Breck putts up Shelves in my inner Cellar.  Send Mr. Forbes Jennings’s Origin etc. by Mr. Haven.

January 26, 1766

1766 January 26 (Sunday).  I read Isa. 8. a.m., Luk. 11. p.m. to v. 26.  Preached on Isa. 6.9.10.  Mr. Fessenden dined with us.  Master Cushing is gone to Shrewsbury.  N.B.  This morning before Day Mrs. P________ went to Lt. Bakers whose wife was in Travel.  And She returned before Meeting Time; the Child being born, and p.m. was baptized; Hannah.

January 27, 1766

1766 January 27 (Monday).  Visit Mr. Joseph Grout’s Son Joseph who is Sick — and pray with him.  In going from thence to Mr. Nurse’s my Mare’s foot Slid So suddenly from under her that She came down upon her side, but I dismounted without Hurt.  D.G.  Visit at Mr. Nurse’s, at Mr. Eleazer Pratt’s, and Mr. Jos. Harringtons, where I buy Cheese — and Sup.  I understand Mr. Hemingway keeps a singing School there.  So that there are 4 Singing schools this Winter in this Parish.  May they be under divine Direction!  Billy watches with Eliz. Whipple, whose Fitts continue still.  Received a large Letter from Rev. Hawley of Mashpee Dated Nov. [blank] last.

January 28, 1766

1766 January 28 (Tuesday).  Elizabeth Whipple had 13 fitts (as Billy says) last Night.  She has none a Days.  Mr. Whitney brought home for me Two Bush. and 1/2 of Malt from Mr. Mathis’s.  P.M. I rode to the South — Deacon Bonds, Mr. Kendals — Paid him in full and to his satisfaction for his Pork, yet gave him but 21d per pound; because it was generally but 20d at Boston as I was informed by many, about that Time, and it was sold for that in our own Neighbourhood.  Went to Mr. Daniel Forbes’s — and Supped there.  Called at Deacon Tainters in returning.  Alas!  I soon loose the pungent Thoughts which I have sometimes had of Death and Eternity.  The Lord awaken me, and all round me!