December 31, 1765

1765 December 31 (Tuesday).  Deacon came and cut out and salted my Beef — that is 3 Quarters.  He carrys home one Quarter which I borrowed, through his Instigation, of his son.  She weighed 20 score and 13 lb.  Deacon dined here — then carryed the skin (which weighed 58 lbs.) to Silas Hill to be tanned.  Tallow but 33 lb.  The Lord reward these generous Men!  Prayed with Mr. Fessenden and Miss Bridget Cushing.  Send for Master Cushing.  He came.  They all Sup, and lodge here.  Mr. Zech. Hick and his Brother Samuel here.  They carry to market for my son John six Fowls.  N.B. Mr. Jonathan Grout came with Thomas Arnold to reckon and settle.   Thus Ends the Year.  Our Days are as a Shadow.  We Spend our Years as a Tale that is told.


“So teach us, Lord, th’uncertain sum

Of our short Days to mind,

That to true Wisdom all our Hearts

May ever be inclined!