December 4, 1765

1765 December 4 (Wednesday).  Though it has been very stormy in the Night, yet it cleared up this Morning.  Mr. Lane leaves us for Bedford.  We have not only Sorrowfull News of the Death of Mr. Cornelius Cook, once of this Town; but of the sad Condition of Several of his sons — That Daniel is hanged, and that Thomas has been condemned and has broke Jayl.  It occasioned sorrowfull Reflections on Such vicious Lives!

December 5, 1765

1765 December 5 (Thursday).  A rugged, Cold season.  Public Thanksgiving.  Preached on Ps. 67, especially 3d and 5th v.  Which may God be Pleased to accompany with His special Blessing! and graciously accept our Offerings!  But had no body to partake with me at my Table.  Such Invitations as I made, fell through — and other whom I would have asked, could not get to Meeting: especially few women could get there.

December 10, 1765

1765 December 10 (Tuesday).  Mr. Dorr is able to attend a Funeral.  The Young Gentleman his Son, accompanys me to Squire Tylers — where we dine.  N.B. one Holbrook of Uxbridge there, much raised in Temper against Ministers abetting the Singing of the present Times.  Squire Tyler rides with me to Mr. Fish’s.  Called at old Mr. Dunlops in my returning home.  Found Mr. Samuel Fay and his Wife here.  Billy is come from Medfield.  N.B. Friend Daniel Southwart of Smithfield has been here at the Door, in my absence and left his Love to me.

December 18, 1765

1765 December 18 (Wednesday).  Mr. Kendal brings 122 lbs. of Pork.  It is to be 2/ per lb. unless it is less at Boston — for I offer him market Price at Boston, deducting 2d per lb. for Transport.  Mr. Nurse makes a little Door for me at the Barn, out of the Barnside into the Hovell.  He and Mr. Kendal dine here.  The storm is so vehement at Night I can’t but Pity poor exposed Creatures, especially Sailors; as Nine and a Boy perished in the late Storm on the 3d and 4th.

December 25, 1765

1765 December 25 (Wednesday).  I preached a Lecture to Young Men from 1 King 13.12, latter part.  N.B. It was from p. 14 of the sermon on that Text, to the End, though with many omissions, because of the Pain with which I was exercised in time of delivering.  N.B. The Young Man that Sat the Tune sat New Colchester.  At Eve Master Cushing goes to Capt. Maynards to attend upon another Singing School there, besides what he has on Monday Evening at Mrs. Johnsons.  Dr. Throop came here — lodges with us.

December 26, 1765

1765 December 26 (Thursday).  This Day is appointed for the Marriage of Rev. Mr. Asaph Rice, to Miss Polly Morse.  I am invited and my wife also (as well as my Daughters) but I dare not venture, under so much indisposition and Pain.  Dr. Throop and Master Cushing wait on Sarah and Suse in a Sleigh, to Mr. Morse’s.  May God grant the Bridegroom and Bride to be espoused to Jesus Christ!  And the whole Company to have true, and increasing Joy!

December 30, 1765

1765 December 30 (Monday).  Visit old Mrs. Grout.  Dine there.  Visit Widow Persis Warrin.  Was at Mr. Elijah Rice’s.  Twitchels.  Elijah Hardys and McCollisters who is come to live there.  Drank Tea among them.  Visit old Ensign Miller and the rest of his House.  When I returned found Deacon Tainter here, who with Lt. Baker, has killed the Cow which Lieutenant has had in keeping till now.  Deacon rode my Horse home.  Am much beholden to him for so much Goodness as well as to Lt. Baker who has pastured and fatted the Cow and charges me only two Dollars.

December 31, 1765

1765 December 31 (Tuesday).  Deacon came and cut out and salted my Beef — that is 3 Quarters.  He carrys home one Quarter which I borrowed, through his Instigation, of his son.  She weighed 20 score and 13 lb.  Deacon dined here — then carryed the skin (which weighed 58 lbs.) to Silas Hill to be tanned.  Tallow but 33 lb.  The Lord reward these generous Men!  Prayed with Mr. Fessenden and Miss Bridget Cushing.  Send for Master Cushing.  He came.  They all Sup, and lodge here.  Mr. Zech. Hick and his Brother Samuel here.  They carry to market for my son John six Fowls.  N.B. Mr. Jonathan Grout came with Thomas Arnold to reckon and settle.   Thus Ends the Year.  Our Days are as a Shadow.  We Spend our Years as a Tale that is told.


“So teach us, Lord, th’uncertain sum

Of our short Days to mind,

That to true Wisdom all our Hearts

May ever be inclined!