August 26, 1765

1765 August 26 (Monday).  Received a Letter from Mr. John Moffatt of Boston, per Mr. Moses Harrington of Grafton, dated the 24th and informing (among other Things) that the uneasiness among the people in Boston increases; owing to some Discoverys made which Seem to prove who they are that have misrepresented the Country — but time will soon proclaim, says he, what is but just talked of this Day.  Mr. Harrington says it is apprehended that there will be a stir to night, and that they will go to the Gov____r’s, Lt. Governors, Mr. Storys and Capt. Hallowells.  P.M. Visit and pray with Mrs. Wheelock.  Thomas and John mow Bushes.  Some time before night My Daughter Forbes and Miss Hannah came from Brookfield and drank Tea here.