May 30, 1760

1760 May 30 (Friday).  A Number of Gentlemen and Ladies went out in a Convenient Boat, and invited Me to go with them which I chearfully complyed with.  The Chief of the Company were Dr. Wheat and his wife, Young Dr. and his Wife, Mr. Brown (young Doctors Father in Law) and his wife, Mr. William Winter, his wife and Daughter; Mr. Joshua Winter and his wife, Mrs. Gott, Capt. Baldwin and Lucy; with a Number of younger Persons.  Sat out from Long Wharf (well provided) about 11 a.m.  Sailed down below the Light House.  N.B. an evil Pamphlet o’board which libells Governor Pownal (as it is conceived) under the Name of Sir Thomas Brazen: To the great Grief of all Serious people.  Came to an Ankor.  Caught 3 or Four Cod — for a Chowder.  Went o’Shore and viewed the Light House.  Drank Tea at the House Keepers.  Re-embarked.  Eat our Chowder o’board in good order.  Returned and landed just after Nine at Eve: having Met with no remarkable Evil.  To God be Glory.  Lodged at Mr. Joshua Winters.  Nor would the Company Suffer me to bear any of the Charge.