1759 November 9 (Friday). My Wife and Suse ride to Marlborough. They break fast at Mr. Henry Barns’s, where my Wife buys a green Grogram Gown, etc. My Daughter in Law, accompanyed by Mrs. Newhall of Brookfield, Sets out for Watertown and Boston. At Night Mr. Jonathan Fay pays me the remainder of his 500£ and I give him Receipt for it. I am still Weak, feverish and Rheumatic in my Hands, and o’ Nights Especially. At my Son Alexander’s Earnest Request I consent to their having an husking at t’other House — though my boys have been all of them husking there one Day after another. N.B. in the afternoon I was much troubled by Piggs in the Garden, and was tempted to expose my self to the endangering my Health to drive them out and watch them, my Daughters that remain at home with me being very infirm.