1759 November 4 (Sunday). After a great deal of deep Concern (especially considering that I am not quite so well as yesterday), and repeatedly committing the Matter to God, I went out to Meeting. Fearing there would be but one Exercise I preached a.m. on Eccl. 7.29. But Venturing in the afternoon I gave that which otherwise would have been the forenoon Exercise, viz. the IId Ch. of Job. N.B. I read to the Assembly the Resolve of the Honorable his Majesty’s Council, and the Declaration “and Vote of the Convention of Ministers last May respecting the Disorders at Ordinations” which I followed with my own solemn Testimony against said Disorders, and gave Caution and Exhortations.
After Meeting in the Evening and Night had some rheumatic Twinges in my right Hand and several other Joints, but they did not prevail.