1758 July 1 (Saturday). Having received lately from Billy a Third Letter, it was necessary to improve an Opportunity by Mr. Artemas Bruce who is to set out on Monday Morning and not to come near here so that I am obliged to write to Day — and Mrs. Twitchell (wife of Jonas) can’t be denyed, but must have a Letter writ for her, to her Husband.
Month: July 1758
July 2, 1758
1758 July 2 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 14 and Joh. 4 from v. 27 — preached the last Sermon on Eph. 1.7. P.M. repeated on Luk. 12.15, but delivered in part what I did not design, but inadvertently, from p. 16, whereas it should have been from p. 18. I was much troubled at this Oversight — yet I delivered further on as much as was sufficient for a Common Exercise. This frown of Providence in Permitting this I desire may be matter of humbling and quickening to me! N.B. Mrs. Patty Dunlop dined here. N.B. I gave the Church Account of our late proceedings at Sutton and the rather because now I could acquaint them with the unsuccessfullness of the Church Meeting which the Council had advised to, and that now it is to be expected that they will call a Council — which is to be mutual and to sit next October. Acquainted the Church and the Congregation with the Associations proposal of a Fast here, next Wednesday and of our desire of their Concurrence. Took their silence for Consent.
July 3, 1758
1758 July 3 (Monday). My Wife and I rode p.m. to Mr. Moses Brighams; and made a visit to Ensign Fays Wife, who remains in Delirium. News of Some success of our Forces against Cape Briton. Thanks be to God!
July 4, 1758
1758 July 4 (Tuesday). Daniel Forb. junior works for me, but in the forenoon changed works with Noah Hardy — So that Noah worked here p.m. with him, but it was Showery most of the Day. We endeavoured Seasonably to prepare for the Fast.
July 5, 1758
1758 July 5 (Wednesday). We observed this Day as a Day of Fasting and Prayer in this Parish on Account of the present, immediate Crisis of our Affairs, especially at Cape Briton. Mr. Smith came first, and it grew so late that I engaged him to preach a.m. Mr. Cushing, Barrett, Martyn, Stone, Goss and Mr. Seccomb came also. Mr. Martyn prayed a.m. Mr. Smith preached on 2 Cor. 5.11, “Knowing the Terrors of the Lord we perswade men.” P.M. Mr. Goss prayed, Mr. Cushing preached on Ezek. 13.5, “Ye have not gone up into the Gaps” etc. There were several others here besides the Ministers and who Supped with us. Viz. Mrs. Cushing and her sister Smith — Miss Mary Stone (who tarrys with us for a few Days) and Dr. Wilson. There was, in general, a good attendance of the people, and many from Neighbouring Towns. May God most gracious accept our Offerings! Be reconciled and leave a Blessing. N.B. Thanks also were presented to God for the Favors already granted to His people particularly at Cape Briton; the good news from the Westward of the army being in good Health and Spirits. That there is Such general Health in the Land, and wonderfull prospect of Plenty.
July 6, 1758
1758 July 6 (Thursday). Miss Mary Stone having lodged here, is now with us. Daniel Forbush junior hoes and Adam Rice mows here a.m. but the Rain prevailed So powerfully that after Dinner they left me. Mr. David Maynard here and pays me in notes and Cash, 7.
July 7, 1758
1758 July 7 (Friday). My Son Thomas (poor Youth!) gives me fresh Trouble by leaving both his own Business, which is much demanded, and my own, which is much behind Hand, especially my Hoing; Alexander being ill with Rheumatism but no perswasions are of any Avail. Indeed his going away is with better Company than the wild and profligate: yet ‘tis at least ill Tim’d and (I fear) to vain purposes. He goes to Hopkinton and borders of Framingham, with Mr. Asaph Rice. Daniel Forbush junior mows here; but the Weather not good for Hay. Adam Rice p.m.
July 8, 1758
1758 July 8 (Saturday). Daniel Forb. at work here still. Got in the Hay of the largest Piece by the House.
July 9, 1758
1758 July 9 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 15 and Joh. 5. Preached a. and p.m. on Ps. 62.8. Mrs. Hannah Maynard and Mrs. Garfield (Jacob’s Wife) dined here.
July 10, 1758
1758 July 10 (Monday). Daniel Forb. again — but it proved very letting Weather. Deacon Tainter came and brought from my Kinsman a Mahogany Watch-Case. Some agreeable News from Day to Day, of the Successes of the English Forces both in the westward, and at Cape Briton. D.G.
July 11, 1758
1758 July 11 (Tuesday). Rain a.m. Daniel mowed p.m. at the Island.
July 12, 1758
1758 July 12 (Wednesday). Daniel worked a.m. Rain p.m. so that he did not work: but Thomas and he try my Mare in the Chair, and she proves very turbulent and untoward: as she did also when he mounted her in the Saddle, to my great Trouble — and I fear the Event of her getting into such Frolicks. More remarkable News from Eastward and Westward. But tis Sorrowful to hear that Lord How is Slain by the Enemy.
July 13, 1758
1758 July 13 (Thursday). Fair Day. Daniel mowing and making Hay. I rode over to t’other House, not having been there of a great while. Visit Capt. Maynards Family; Several of them being ill. Went to old Mr. Hows and to his son Benjamin’s. Returned and dined at Home. News from Brookfield that my Daughter Baldwin is brought to Bed and has a Son, and both Mother and Child comfortable. To God most gracious be Glory and Praise! It was on the 10th. But Mr. Barretts Boy Ishmael comes with a Letter to inform that Mr. Samuel Barrett junior’s wifes Daughter of about 4, is dead — and they have sent for me and my son Thomas to assist at the Funeral tomorrow. Mr. Joseph Chattuck and his wife came at 7 o’Clock at Evening. N.B. Heard that Mrs. Kellog of Grafton had cutt her Throat yesterday.
July 14, 1758
1758 July 14 (Friday). Daniel Forb. rode over to Hopkinton p.m. to the Funeral of little Polly Caswell. Thomas was a Bearer, John Wood and two more. I prayed — returned home at Eve. N.B. Old Mrs. More of above an 100 years, buryed also at Hopkinton.
July 15, 1758
1758 July 15 (Saturday). Daniel Forbush and Alexander hilling at the Island. N.B. Thomas tarryed at Hopkinton but returns a.m. He had Mr. Williams’s Horse.
July 16, 1758
1758 July 16 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 16 and Joh. 6 to 34th v. inclusive. Preached on Ps. 62.8. Mrs. Mehitabel Rice dined with us. P.M. repeated with some Alteration another Exercise on Luk. 12.15 from p. 26 to 33.
July 17, 1758
1758 July 17 (Monday). My wife has soreness in her Breast. Mr. David Maynard Sends but little money. Yet Sarah and I set out in our Journey for Boston. She has an Horse from Daniel Forb. junior. N.B. Mr. Joseph Manning Candidate our Company. My Daughter and I dined at Esq. Brigham’s in Marlborough. We called at Brother Baldwins in Sudbury. Sarah and I lodged at Capt. Tainters in Watertown, he having Sent me his special Request that I would.
July 18, 1758
1758 July 18 (Tuesday). We rode to Boston. This was the first Time that my Daughter was ever there. Visited William Curtis of Roxbury, to whose Child I am Great Great Uncle. N.B. Most sorrowful News at Eve of the Defeat of our Forces in attempting Ticonderoga, on the 8th instant; and 2000 slain, on our side. We put up at Brother Samuel who takes Care of both our Horses. We went to Mr. John Welch’s, to his Indian, which he had [carved?], and is going to embark with for Great Britain.
July 19, 1758
1758 July 19 (Wednesday). I rode up to Commencement. N.B. The Governor no Express from the Army. N.B. first Commencement Act that was held in the New Meeting House. Dined at Mr. Monis’s. Now first the Catalogues printed by the 3 graduated Classes. Lodged at sister Barretts. Mr. John Hicks keeps my Horse.
July 20, 1758
1758 July 20 (Thursday). Returned to Boston. Mr. Maccarty the public Lecture on Ps. 50.15. N.B. they Sang Worcester Tune. Dined at Mr. Coopers. Mr. Diman of Salem there also. No Express Still, to our great Amazement. Nigh Evening Brother Samuel and I walk to our Kinsman Olivers; but he was either not at home or was not to be seen. We expressed, as we could, our friendly affectionate Concern, to her; and walked down to our eldest Brothers where I lodged. Sarah at Mr. Procters, in the Alms-House.
July 21, 1758
1758 July 21 (Friday). Devote my Self to dispatch my Business; and having dined at Mr. Winters (my Horse kept two Nights at Mr. Lowders, the other kept wholly at my Brothers Stable) and paid Sundry Debts (£9.7.0 Old Tenor to Mrs. Stoddard: Mr. Winter in full: for my News at Fleets in full etc.), we took Leave and rode up to Brother Harringtons at Waterton and lodged there. N.B. an Express is now gone to the Governor.
July 22, 1758
1758 July 22 (Saturday). We Sat out early upon our Journey. Called at Mr. Joseph Strettons in Waltham; paid his Wife my Interest money. Broke fast at Mr. Cushings. Stopped a while at Coll. Buckminsters — but dined at Home. My Wife has a sore Breast, and it gives her a great deal of Trouble. Expected one of the Coffins (young Students at Cambridge) would have come up to make us a Visit, but he did not. N.B. Alexander has been so manly as to hill the Corn in the Orchard.
July 23, 1758
1758 July 23 (Sunday). Sad News that Joseph How, Son of Mr. Benjamin How, who went out under Capt. Maynard, has dyed by Sickness in the Army. Read 2 Chron. 17 and Joh. 6 from v. 35. Preached a.m. on Ps. 119.36, repeating sermon on Luk. 12.15 from p. 33 to the End. P.M. on Micah 7.2 from p. 12. Capt. Foster, Dr. Crosby and old Mrs. How dine with us.
July 24, 1758
1758 July 24 (Monday). Mr. Prince of Boston, and his Wife; accompanyed by Mr. Stone of Southborough here and dined with us. Mr. Prince is riding for his Health: designs to be out a month. N.B. I have no haying going forward. Neither last week nor this. P.M. Neighbour Zebulun Rice ploughed with my mare, having first sowed with Rye, my new turned up Land, at the Island.
July 25, 1758
1758 July 25 (Tuesday). Miss Patty Dunlop here, and very Seasonably for my Wife’s Breast is grown very bad, and Patty can tend the Child better than any one; as She also takes a Singular pleasure and Delight in it. Mrs. Hitty Rice came p.m. They both tarry over Night, and are very helpful to my wife under her distressing Pains. N.B. Thomas hoed with Alexander part of the Afternoon at the Island New Ground, but they were beat off by the Rain.
July 26, 1758
1758 July 26 (Wednesday). They hoed the rest. Those Women returned home; my wife takes Physick. At Eve her Breast easier, but she is weak and feverish. Rachel Newton came to help us; and Stays over Night. The appointment of a Fast at Hopkinton falls through; but there is one at Southborough, on which I attended. Mr. Cushing and Mr. Smith there also. A.M. Mr. Smith prayed and I preached. Text Jer. 50.7, latter part. P.M. Mr. Stone prayed and Mr. Cushing preached. Text 1 Chron. 21.13. Mr. Cushing returned with me and lodged here: for we agree to change Lectures tomorrow. Great Rains in the Night. P.M. Patty went home, and Rachel Newton here.
July 27, 1758
1758 July 27 (Thursday). Mr. Cushing here and preaches my Lecture from [blank]. I rode to Shrewsbury; but was obliged to Stop by the way; a great Storm arose, and it thundered and rained very hard. I was Sheltered at Mr. Samuel Fay’s, Junior — did not get up till after two, yet I turned out So soon as that I rode in part of the Storm. Mr. Maccarty was come from Worcester to preach for Mr. Cushing; but though Mr. Cushing had Sent to him, he was uncertain whether his Message would Succeed. We divided up the Work between us — he prayed and I preached from Eph. 1.7. At Evening I returned home. I called a few Minutes at Capt. Allens. My Wife weak and confined by reason of her Breast.
July 28, 1758
1758 July 28 (Friday). There has fallen so much Rain the Days and Nights passed, that all low Grounds are flooded. But to Day was bright. But no Haying nor reaping. My Wife Still poorly. Rachel Newton yet here to help her. P.M. Capt. Woods Wife made us a Visit.
July 29, 1758
1758 July 29 (Saturday). Our Child so ill with a Cough (which Seems epidemical) that we give her a Vomit. Capt. Maynards Infant ill and near her End as they think. Am sent for to Visit it and go. Adam and Ebbe Rice reaping in my Field behind the Meeting House; and they, with some Help of Alexander, cutt it all down. The various unavoidable services and Affairs of this Week, together with the Troubles of my Family by my Wife’s sore Breast, prevent my preparing a second Sermon for the ensuing Sabbath.
July 30, 1758
1758 July 30 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 18, Joh. 7. Preached a.m. on Song 5.1. Administered the Lord’s Supper. P.M. preached on Eph. 4.12.13. N.B. Miss Judith Stone dined here. N.B. My Wife’s Breast so bad that I sent Thomas for Dr. Hemingway — who came. Dr. Rice here likewise. May God prepare for His holy will!
July 31, 1758
1758 July 31 (Monday). Rachel Newton went home. I rode to Monsieur Blanc’s and got Magdalene (who was going to reap for Joseph Baker) to come and wash: and I rode to Mr. Dunlop’s, from whence I brought Patty to wait on my Wife and tend the Child. It proved a rainy Time. At Eve had News from Brookfield that Ebenezer His Wife lay in the 20th Instant and has a Boy. She is also in much Comfort for the Time, but Molly (who was delivered on Wednesday last) has a Girl; which is poor and weak, and not like to live. She Sends for me to come: wants I Should go up to morrow morning — but my Affairs do not allow of it. Thus we Sing of Mercy and Judgment.[1] May God grant the Grace necessary to each of my Children, as their Circumstances are! And prepare us all for His Sovereign Will!
[1]Psalm 101.1: “I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O Lord, will I sing.”