May 22, 1758

1758 May 22 (Monday).  Mr. Winter goes to Hopkinton on an Affair of Selling a Tract of Land at Vendue.  I was much interrupted in my preparations by his Coming at this Time, though he is a Gentleman I much esteem.  Mr. Uriah Brighams wife dined with us.  It was the Day of the Town Meeting to choose a Representative if they would Send one: but it passed Negatively.  My Exercise to the Soldiers was not till past 3 o’Clock.  I preached on Exod. 33.15.  Which may God Himself be pleased to accompany with a Saving Efficacy!  My son William is with them though he has not as yet received his Bounty.  N.B. The Company marched to the Meeting House from Capt. Maynards where they dined — and returned there again.  N.B. Mr. Solomon Prentice of Grafton attended with us and was here after meeting.  At night Billy returns home from Capt. Maynards much troubled not having received so much as the Bounty which is Usual at enlisting, Yet is appointed to March with the Company to morrow.