May 12, 1758

1758 May 12 (Friday).  I rode a little way with my Kinsman Billy: and having been sent for with great Earnestness to go last Tuesday to see poor Mrs. Susanna Allen, I made her a visit.  Found her sadly distracted.  Prayed and counselled both Father and son.  As to her she was So crazy little good could be done with her.  I rode to Mr. Martyns, dined there (though after they had done), and hastened home.  But then when I most depended upon having Time for study I was Sadly interrupted and disturbed by Company coming in, particularly Mr. Isaac Johnson — and Mr. Ebenezer Hammond.  N.B. The last brought me an Handsome Leg of Pork, and I took that opportunity to walk privately with him and told him I could not Shew my Love to him any way better than to tell him of a Vice I had heard he frequently fell into — he confessed it was So; Said he was obliged to me, and that he thanked me kindly.