May 2, 1758

1758 May 2 (Tuesday).  Sent a Letter to Mr. Thomas Hardy directed to my son Baldwin about Billys Affair; and I therein assure him I can’t Stand to the Agreement made between them.  Presently after came Billy himself who lodged last Night at Capt. Eagers.  Mr. Carter dined with us.  N.B. It was Training Day to See whether any would enlist, or otherwise to press five Men.  Capt. Fay had desired me Yesterday to be at Hand, that they might Send for me in Season — and he told me the Time appointed was one o’Clock.  I waited for his sending till well nigh 1/2 after 3, then went to the Meeting House my Self (without any Message from him), having Concerns with divers Men, whom otherwise I could not well see, particularly Capt. Stephen Maynard, with whom I talked about admitting Billy into his Company.  Which he Consented to — and told me he would into his Tent.  At Capt. Fays Request I prayed with the Company: and then he read his Warrant respecting the raising the 5 men, which were still required out of this Company.  N.B. Mr. Oliver Carter still with me — and till near Night; when he left me to go to Mr. Smith of Marlborough.