December 25, 1755

1755 December 25 (Thursday).  The Frost has got very much into the House: But the wind not so high abroad.  Blessed be God for my preservation and many Comforts — and I would praise Him.  My Heart is in some Measure tender — I hope choosing and yielding to Him.  Had some serious Thoughts on the Day, as kept by many in Commemoration of our Lords Nativity.  And I desire to be one with all of them that are one with Christ, and who avoid the Superstitions and Excesses of this Day, and Serve the Lord in sincerity.  May I and mine have part in the glorious Logos[1] who was made Flesh and dwelt among us!  At Eve Dr. Joshua Smith here — receiv’d the News Paper in which have a frightfull Account of the terrible Earthquake at Cadiz and Seville; but especially Lisbon, St. Woes and Agazira.  O may we learn Righteousness!  fear God and give Glory to Him: and in peculiar since we are so mercifully Spar’d!

[1]See John I, 1-18.