December 10, 1755

1755 December 10 (Wednesday).  Mr. Nathaniel Whitney here at Eve and tells me the Town Meeting on the 8th did nothing upon my Paper which I sent and was (he said) presented, by Captain Baker.  But he tells me that Lieutenant Tainter takes off the Force of any Such Petition, for he says that he has paid 20£ old Tenor towards that Debt — and Harrington has some pounds more: so that there is very little remaining now.  In answer to which I assur’d him (Mr. Whitney) that no Body had to my Knowledge paid a Farthing of that Debt but Messrs. James Ball, and Jacob Rice, and Captain Maynard.  Unless Lieutenant Tainter charg’d for keeping a Creature or two the Winter following the Drought.  But yet he never said so to me; nor is there any Thing behind in my account with him except for some few Things which Lieutenant has bought at Boston for us, this Year: for as for last Year I discharg’d all Debt to him Unto the Day when I gave him a Note to the Collector of 15£ old Tenor.  Mr. Whitney added that Lieutenant Tainter told him as above, yesterday.