December 7, 1755

1755 December 7 (Sunday).  I preach’d at Sutton for Mr. Wellman, and he for me at Westborough.  My Text a.m. was Gal. 1, part of 15 and part of 16.  P.M. it was Heb. 11.16.  A fine Day, as to Weather; might God grant us divine Refreshment and Joy from His Word and Ordinances!  I baptiz’d Moses Son of Deacon Chase,[1] and having Consulted Mr. Wellman about it, who requested it, I appointed an Exercise in the Evening at Mr. Jonathan Fullers, where accordingly [I] preach’d to a crowded Assembly from Luke 12.36.37.  N.B. After Exercise came in two Soldiers — one of them had Plans of the Forts lately built by our Forces.  Fort William and Henry and Fort Edwards.  I lodg’d at Mr. Samuel Trasks.

[1]Abel Chase.