November 8, 1755

1755 November 8 (Saturday).  I wake with Some Serious Impressions of the Sparing Mercy and Long suffering of God towards Me and the Church I am related to: and desire to be deeply humbled on consideration of my Ingratitude, unprofitableness, and unfaithfulness.  Would Spend what time can be spar’d from my preparations and unavoidable Cares of my Family etc., in Serious Reflections and Humilliations.  And O that I had a Spirit of Grace and Supplications — and that God would have Mercy on me and grant Forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus Christ of my numberless and great Offences — and quicken and assist me in my whole future conduct!  N.B. This is 31 Years since my Ordination.  Mr. Thomas Twitchel here again and finishes the Stoning of my Cellar Way.