August 5, 1755

1755 August 5 (Tuesday).  Mr. Moses Twitchell Mows for me at the Ministerial Meadow, and Mr. Daniel Warrin a.m.  I visit old Captain Forbush: and Mrs. Bruce who is still sick.  Was at Mr. Jonas Twitchells.  He had given me Encouragement that he would work for me and he had told me he Should very gladly pay his Rates this Way — but when it came to, disappointed me.  He allow’d he had said to me that he thought I might depend upon him.  This was the Reason of my saying any thing to him.  The Collector also having told me that this man would help me, I ask’d him now to help me but so much only of tomorrow as to bind and shock up my Rye (being but an acre and quarter of it) but he answered me indecently — So that I left him; and was much offended with him.  Went to Mr. Rody Smiths, who was also to have work’d for me; but neither could I get him.  N.B. I din’d at Mr. John Rogers.  Mr. Batheric and Ebenezer Forbush reap’d the piece which the Reapers Yesterday had left.  I call’d to see my Children at t’other House.  Neither Ebenezer nor his Wife, nor youngest Child, have been well of late.  At Evening Messrs. John Rogers and Rody Smith assisted by John and Silas Frost, gather’d up and bound my Rye, and Neighbour Rogers came with his Team and brought it home.  This was done gratis.  Mr. Moses Twitchell lodg’d here.