1755 January 1 (Wednesday). A true Sense of the Divine Dispensations would (methinks) fill my Soul with an holy astonishment at the Liberty and Goodness of God which is still protracted: and His Longsuffering is amazing towards So worthless and unfruitful a Creature. O that I might be rous’d and quicken’d! and O that God would vouchsafe after all, to pardon and Sanctifie me; and that He would please to direct and assist me in the great incumbent Dutys — that I may improve my Time, Serve the Souls of men, and Save my own soul as well as those that hear me! It was very Cold, yet Billy went to Ensign Woods the Clothier and to Allens Mill.
Month: January 1755
January 2, 1755
1755 January 2 (Thursday). Very Cold — but Billy to Johnsons Mill. I have almost Every Day Deep Concern for both the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of my Children especially my dear son Ebenezer. Would humbly lift my Soul to God on this Account and beg Grace to Committ my whole Cause to Him, who I know will do what is wisest and best. In That I would repose myself.
January 3, 1755
1755 January 3 (Friday). The Aged Judge Ward here and din’d with us.
January 4, 1755
1755 January 4 (Saturday). [No entry.]
January 5, 1755
1755 January 5 (Sunday). Read 1 Samuel 22. Preach’d a. and p.m. on Ps. 39.6. Read p.m. Rev. 16. On this Day my little son Samuel was observ’d to look Yellow.
January 6, 1755
1755 January 6 (Monday). More Notice taken of Samme’s Yellowness, yet plays about and is brisk. At Eve Mr. David Maynard junior here and gives me account of the unhappy Condition of his Brother Mason, who has lain for some time in Worcester Jayl.
January 7, 1755
1755 January 7 (Tuesday). Traded away sled sides to Lieutenant Stephen Maynard and brought [sic] 1000 shingles of him.
January 8, 1755
1755 January 8 (Wednesday). Samme, though he sits at Table with us and plays about, grows very Yellow from Day to Day — to our Surprize he does indeed in some Measure fail in his Appetite.
January 9, 1755
1755 January 9 (Thursday). At Captain Forbush’s, heard that Mr. Daniel Hastings dy’d on the 7th having had the Mumps and took Cold. It was very Surprizing — may God sanctify it to us, as well as to his own Relations! He dys in the midst of his Glory and gaiety — was just going to be married — but that very Day his Thoughts perish.
January 10, 1755
1755 January 10 (Friday). Mr. Solomon Stow brought me 5 sheets of Tin (price 5/ a piece Old Tenor) for my Chamber Floor, next my Hearth.
January 11, 1755
1755 January 11 (Saturday). Exceeding High Gusts in the Night — my old Barn is in great Danger, but God is our preserver; to Him I committ myself and my substance.
January 12, 1755
1755 January 12 (Sunday). [No entry.]
[The remainder of the diary for January, 1755, and the entire month of February, 1755, have been lost.]