November 8, 1754

1754 November 8 (Friday).  A Second Appointment to Shovel the Gravel at the back of my House, but it was Cold and Dark, and but Two Came, Mr. Beeton and Jonathan Grout.  They stood it till 9 o’Clock.  Mr. Foster[1] came over; and lodg’d here.  Sent by Lieutenant Tainter of Boston.  N.B. He kill’d one of my steers, or rather one of his which he changes for one of mine that was a Rogue.  He kill’d it at his House and brought me a Side of the Meat, the Hide, Tallow and Offal, and borrows half of the Meat to spend in his own Family.  N.B. The Quarters he brought here were 90 and 86.

[1]Jacob Foster, the schoolmaster.