1754 September 16 (Monday). This being the fifth Day Old Stile I separated myself in some peculiar manner for Recollection and Devotions. O that God would pardon my brokenness and many Miscarriages! Vid. Natal. [In the Natalitia the following under the date Sept. 5, “old Stile.”] I would bless God with my whole Soul for his adorable Patience and Longsuffering and in Special that I have been preserv’d through another Year, though I have been So utterly undeserving, nay provoking to Him! I endeavour’d (in Some very broken manner) to acknowledge the Divine lenity and Goodness, and to humble my Self for my great Defects and unfaithfulness. I would also devoutly committ my Self the uncertain residue of my frail Life, humbly begging of God to make me faithfull in my Great Work, and enable me to Save my own Soul as well as those that hear me! And whereas the Care of my Family lies with a peculiar Weight upon my Spirits, I would most ernestly beseech of God to enable me to Cast this Care upon Him, who cares for His own!