September 12, 1754

1754 September 12 (Thursday).  General Muster of Colonel Williams Regiment.  5 Southern Companys at Mendon with Grafton Troop: 8 Companys of Foot and one Troop at Westborough.  I pray’d with Captain Bakers Company at the Meeting House.  Had Captain Baker’s Horse to ride over to the Field which was in Captain Maynards Pasture.  Dr. Perkins and Mr. Coolidge rode with me.  We proceeded to Captain Maynards — my Sons House was taken up by Dr. Brigham[1] for twenty Marlborough men.  The Battalion was not form’d till some time in the afternoon.  There were many Spectators.  The Reverend Messrs. Cushing, Martyn, Stone, Smith, Morse, Hutchinson there.  The first of whom pray’d with the Regiment at about 4 p.m. and when the Colonel had read his Proclamation he soon dissolv’d the Battalion and the Companys march’d out of the Field.  I din’d with the Colonel and the Ministers (except Mr. Hutchinson) who went to Lieutenant Fays, where, Captain Baker ask’d me to dine with him — but I requested he would contrive to dine with the Colonel and other Officers, for I should not be able to refuse them.  Lieutenant Maynard had also bespoke me before Captain Baker; and I found it would greatly incommode me to go so far.  N.B. Rumours about the Indians.  Dr. Perkins, Mr. Asaph Rice and Mr. Baldwin, together with Mrs. Molly Martyn lodge here.

[1]Samuel Brigham, the physician of Marlborough.