July 19, 1754

1754 July 19 (Friday).  We Set out early from Mr. Woodwards, and broke fast at Mr. Isaac Baldwins.  N.B. Jeduthun there.  We fish’d in the pleasant Pond beyond the Garden.  Mr. Forbush took Ebenezers Mare which Baldwin rode down, and rode to Abraham Smiths to talk with him, as well on his own as on my Account.  Baldwin rode home with me in the Chair.  Found all well and Comfortable.  D.G.  Neighbour Eliezer Rice brought home another Load of Hay from the Meadow.  Thomas and Billy work’d part of the Day for Neighbour Eliezer Rice, and part of the Day at the Meadow.  N.B. Mr. Jonas Twitchell work’d 2 half Days for me.