July 3, 1754

1754 July 3 (Wednesday).  In the Morning I had some Discourse with him which open’d a Way for us to proceed in — I wrote — it took; with Mr. Bridge’s Help it was ripen’d — and we had a result which succeeded (D.G.).  Mr. Mellen Consented.  The Ministers din’d at Mr. Prentice’s.  P.M. went to Lecture.  I pray’d before sermon.  Mr. Bucknam preach’d on 1 Sam. 4.13, for his Heart trembled for the Ark of God.  After Sermon the Church was Stop’d and our Result was publickly read by the Scribe.  Mr. Mellen renewed his Acceptance, Submission etc.  The Church also voted their Concurrence.  And Mrs. Mellen publickly consenting was also restor’d by the Church to Charity and privileges — all which gave us great Joy and cause of Praise to God.  We left ‘em cheerfully and Lieutenant Tainter and I rode to Southborough.  I wanted to Consult Mr. Ezra Tailor on the Smith Affair.  Found him at Captain Timothy Brighams, and read him the Letters which had pass’d between us.  He said he would go and See Smith next Monday or Tuesday, with Mr. Ebenezer Rice.  Lieutenant Tainter rode Home.  I lodg’d at Mr. Stones being afraid to ride in the Evening Air.  Had but a poor Night.