July 2, 1754

1754 July 2 (Tuesday).  My Mare was brought from Mr. Tainters: and Lieutenant and I rode to Holliston.  Neither heard nor saw any Thing of Esquire Baker, the other Delegate.  At Mr. Daniel Mellens who had call’d us, we found the Reverend Messrs. Bucknam[1] and Bridge,[2] and their Delegates, viz. Esquire Adams[3] for Medway first Church, and Esquire Haven,[4] Deacon Pike[5] and Ensign Stone[6] for Framingham.  We got together by about 10 a.m. so that we settled all our Preparatory Busines respecting the Churchs Committee who were ready with us to attend upon the Council when we should be form’d — we form’d — (though I earnestly besought I might be excus’d leading in the Work, and try’d a Vote for Mr. Bucknam), yet I could not escape.  Mr. Bucknam chose Scribe and sent a written Message to Captain Littlefield to attend if he pleas’d.  These Things before Dinner.  P.M. Mr. Mellen gave us a long and too confus’d Account of his Case.  At Eve were in our Debates — Could find no Method to proceed in:  both Esquire Adams and Esquire Haven went home.  We remain’d wholly incapable of drawing up anything, till we dispers’d.  I only, lodg’d at Mr. Mellens.  Lieutenant Tainter at Captain Littlefields.  I was in a most feeble, weak, trembling State through the Night and had but little sleep.  But (Mr. Mellen lodging with me)

[1]Nathan Bucknam of Millis.

[2]Matthew Bridge of Framingham

[3]Elisha Adams.

[4]Joseph Haven, selectman and representative.

[5]Moses Pike was a prominent office-holder.  Temple, Framingham, p. 670.

[6]Hezekiah Stone.

July 3, 1754

1754 July 3 (Wednesday).  In the Morning I had some Discourse with him which open’d a Way for us to proceed in — I wrote — it took; with Mr. Bridge’s Help it was ripen’d — and we had a result which succeeded (D.G.).  Mr. Mellen Consented.  The Ministers din’d at Mr. Prentice’s.  P.M. went to Lecture.  I pray’d before sermon.  Mr. Bucknam preach’d on 1 Sam. 4.13, for his Heart trembled for the Ark of God.  After Sermon the Church was Stop’d and our Result was publickly read by the Scribe.  Mr. Mellen renewed his Acceptance, Submission etc.  The Church also voted their Concurrence.  And Mrs. Mellen publickly consenting was also restor’d by the Church to Charity and privileges — all which gave us great Joy and cause of Praise to God.  We left ‘em cheerfully and Lieutenant Tainter and I rode to Southborough.  I wanted to Consult Mr. Ezra Tailor on the Smith Affair.  Found him at Captain Timothy Brighams, and read him the Letters which had pass’d between us.  He said he would go and See Smith next Monday or Tuesday, with Mr. Ebenezer Rice.  Lieutenant Tainter rode Home.  I lodg’d at Mr. Stones being afraid to ride in the Evening Air.  Had but a poor Night.

July 7, 1754

1754 July 7 (Sunday).  Read and gave large Exposition of 1 Sam. 2.  P.M. read 1John 2.  By the Extra Business of last Week was able to prepare but one Exercise — therefore p.m. repeated Exposition on Mat. 11.29.30, delivering two Exercises in one.  Mr. Gershom Brighams wife din’d with us.  At Eve read to the Church the late Result of the Council at Holliston.

July 9, 1754

1754 July 9 (Tuesday).  Mr. Haven to Framingham.  Thomas mow’d at the Island.  Billy mow’d p.m.  Mr. Forbush and his Wife and Child with their Friend Deacon Cutler and his Wife came from Brookfield to t’other House last Night, and this Day here, with Mrs. Brown (Mr. Zechariah Browns Wife) broke fast and din’d here.  P.M. Mr. Forbush to Cambridge and the rest of the Company left us except My Daughter and her Child.  Master Coolidge and I rode over to Mr. Eliezer Rice’s to See the Ministerial Meadow, and find that some of the Grass is now fit to be mow’d.

July 11, 1754

1754 July 11 (Thursday).  Mr. Phinehas Hardy here about the Affair of the Pew; and he seems inclin’d to have me resign the matter to Mr. Jonathan Forbush that he may take the Pew and Pay the Money.  I visited Captain Forbush and other Neighbours as far as Jonas Twitchells.  N.B. came home on Foot.  Thomas and Billy mowing and raking at the Island.

July 12, 1754

1754 July 12 (Friday).  Mr. Arnold of Grafton here, and obtains of me a Copy of Mr. Hutchinsons Second Paper (or Confession).  Thomas and William mowe and make Hay at the Island, and Lieutenant Tainter Carts up a few Cocks of it.  It is So Cloudy Weather and now and then Sprinkles of Rain, that the Hay does not make as we could wish.  Mr. Baldwin Strikes me up an Extempore Gate before my House.  Plants in fore yard.

July 15, 1754

1754 July 15 (Monday).  Went to the Ministerial Meadow and found there Messrs. Jonas Twitchell and John Rogers mowing.  Rody Smith was gone to Captain Maynards for Rum but mow’d the rest of the Day.  My son Thomas got in a Jagg from the Island and then mow’d at the Meadow p.m.  P.M. I rode with Mr. Forbush to Waltham and lodg’d at Mr. Isaac Brown’s.

July 16, 1754

1754 July 16 (Tuesday).  Set out from Mr. Browns early; broke fast at the Reverend Mr. Adams’s[1] at Roxbury.  We proceeded to Mr. John Barkers at Boston, whom Mr. Abraham Smith I Suppose has dependence upon to testify against me; but who in Discourse, tells me he was astonish’d at Smiths Impudence that Night he was at my House, and the next morning likewise, than ever he was in his Life; and says he doth not remember that he so much as once heard me express my Self towards Smith in any unbecoming manner.  To this Mr. Forbush was Witness.  Thence we went to Dr. Pyncheons[2] and din’d there.  Spent the Chief of the p.m. at Brother Samuels, Captain Storers, and Mr. Kneelands.[3]  We return’d as far as to Mr. Adams’s and lodg’d there.  At home Thomas and Billy rak’d at the Meadow a.m.  P.M. prov’d rainy, and at night a great Storm of Thunder and Lightning and Rain.

[1]Amos Adams (Harvard 1754) served Roxbury, 1753-I775.

[2]Joseph Pyncheon, the physician of Boston and Springfield.  Sibley, VIII, 90-95.

[3]Samuel Kneeland, the printer of Boston.

July 17, 1754

1754 July 17 (Wednesday).  Commencement.  Mr. Forbush and I set out early from Mr. Adams’s and went to Cambridge.  Mr. Forbush took his second Degree.  I din’d in the Hall.  We lodg’d together at Sister Barretts having left our Horse and Chair under the Care of Brother Champney.  Thomas and Billy, and Rody Smith rak’d at the Meadow, and on 18 Neighbour Eliezer Rice, Hezekiah Pratt and Edwards Whipple brought three Load of Hay from the Meadow.

July 18, 1754

1754 July 18 (Thursday).  Subscriptions for my Collection of Poems promoted by Mr. Forbush who got a Number of them among his Acquaintance and others, and at Mr. Hancocks[1] Chamber, Mr. Tucker[2] and Mr. Webster[3] subscrib’d.  Din’d at Mr. Appletons[4] where I also mention’d the Collection.  N.B. Mr. Walker Merchant of Boston there, with whom I have much Conversation.  Mr. Forbush and I rode up to Mr. Woodwards of Weston, and lodg’d there.

[1]Belcher Hancock, the tutor at Harvard.

[2]The Reverend John Tucker (Harvard 1741), the minister of Newbury.  Sibley, XI, 78-91.

[3]The Reverend Samuel Webster of Salisbury.

[4]The Reverend Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

July 19, 1754

1754 July 19 (Friday).  We Set out early from Mr. Woodwards, and broke fast at Mr. Isaac Baldwins.  N.B. Jeduthun there.  We fish’d in the pleasant Pond beyond the Garden.  Mr. Forbush took Ebenezers Mare which Baldwin rode down, and rode to Abraham Smiths to talk with him, as well on his own as on my Account.  Baldwin rode home with me in the Chair.  Found all well and Comfortable.  D.G.  Neighbour Eliezer Rice brought home another Load of Hay from the Meadow.  Thomas and Billy work’d part of the Day for Neighbour Eliezer Rice, and part of the Day at the Meadow.  N.B. Mr. Jonas Twitchell work’d 2 half Days for me.

July 23, 1754

1754 July 23 (Tuesday).  I rose Early and went to Esquire Bakers and to the Fays for Teams to fetch home Hay.  They agree to go p.m.  But by noon it began to rain, and rain’d exceeding hard the rest of the Day.  Mr. Forbush and his Wife and Ebenezer’s Wife rode to Mr. Martyns, but the former return’d here at Eve and lodg’d here.  Thomas went over a.m. to work for Ebenezer.

July 24, 1754

1754 July 24 (Wednesday).  Thomas work’d part of a.m. for me.  P.M. late he went to Ebenezer to hoe for him.  Jonathan and Joseph How came to hill for me, the former but a little before noon.  N.B. greatly put to’t for plough and for Horse — sent Billy to t’other Place for my own Mare.  Thomas Stay’d to Plough which was one of the Reasons of his being late to Ebenezer.  Billy works with Difficulty because he is so much poison’d.  Mr. Forbush and his Wife and little Daughter leave us to go to Brookfield.  Fair Weather, but can do Nothing about my Hay at the Ministerial Meadow — Some of which is in Cock, and some of has lain over the storm in swarth.

July 25, 1754

1754 July 25 (Thursday).  Thomas and William bring home two small Jaggs of Hay from Ministerial Meadow, which make Six small turns from thence and is all of the South side of the Brook.  N.B. Neighbour Eliezer Rice assisted — for which my sons work’d for him.  Our Kinswomen Mrs. Sally Brigham and her sister Mrs. Betty Gott[1] came to See us — but return’d to Marlborough at Eve.

[1]Sarah and Rebecca, daughters of the late Dr. Benjamin Gott, were Parkman’s nieces.

July 29, 1754

1754 July 29 (Monday).  Fair.  Thomas mow’d Bushes a.m., and in Newton Meadow p.m.  N.B. Mr. David Batchellor and Brother Hicks din’s here.  P.M. Visit little Elijah Rice who is Sick.  Captain Maynard at Eve invited me to dine at his House tomorrow, a number of military Gentlemen having bespoke a Dinner there — and he Suppos’d his Honour (as he call’d Captain Baker but I thought he meant Colonel Williams) had Spoke to me of it, but no one had.  Captain said if I would come he would find me a room etc.

July 30, 1754

1754 July 30 (Tuesday).  At about 11 a.m. came Colonel Williams and with him Mr. Smith, Captain Uriah Eager, and two other officers with them, and the Colonel invited me to dine with him to Day.  He said he had depended upon Captain Baker to invite me, having given him Order, to do it, or else the Captain had said he would, but he was gone over to Bolton.  I walk’d over as far as Mr. Nathan Maynards in the middle and heat of the Day, but from thence had his Mare, which I also rode home upon.  I din’d with Colonel Williams, Major Willard, and the other Officers of this Regiment, at Captain Maynards.  The Design of their Meeting was to Consult about a general Meeting of the Regiment — agreeable to the Governor’s Proclamation.  Messrs. Cushing (who came from the Funeral of Mr. Morse’s Child), Stone and Smith, there.  After 4 o’Clock (the Hour I appointed) I attended the Catechetical Exercise to Young Women at the Meeting House.  N.B. Mr. Baldwin went yesterday to Brookfield, and Elisha Jones, one of his Prentice’s, work’d for my son Ebenezer during the Absence of his Master.  At Eve deliver’d Mary Latiner a Receipt from Mr. Abraham Smith of her Debt to Said Smith, but it was writ as from Mr. Richard Barns.  Thomas mows and rakes at Newton Meadow; but those who clear’d there left many Bushes unpick’d up, by which means it is very slow and bad mowing.

July 31, 1754

1754 July 31 (Wednesday).  Before the Rain came heavy, I ran up to Mr. Elijah Rice who came with his Team and got in nine Cocks of Hay from my Newton Meadow but presently the storm came on and it was a very rainy Day.  I had agreed yesterday with Mr. Stone to preach his Lecture to Day but the Rain prevented.  But Mr. Baldwin came from Brookfield p.m.