May 30, 1754

1754 May 30 (Thursday).  Conference with my Brethren and Messrs. Oliver and Briant[1] at Mr. William Winters office upon settling what our honoured Mother had given us, and we agree with the Executor, or Eldest Brother.  Broke fast at Olivers.[2]  Return’d to Convention and attended the public meeting.  Mr. Williams[3] of Long Meadow preach’d on Exod. 25.8.  The Collection follow’d.  I din’d at Dr. Sewalls.[4]  Present Messrs. Flynt,[5] Niles,[6] Williams (that preach’d), Townsend[7] of Needham, Byles,[8] Quincy (Edmund)[9] — p.m. at Mr. Prince’s,[10] and at Mr. Foxcrofts.[11]  Supp’d at Cousen Edward Langdons — and lodg’d at Brother Parkmans.  Return’d Mr. Pierpoints Letters to Mrs. Derricut.

[1]Joseph Bryant had married Parkman’s niece, Elizabeth Parkman.

[2]Edward Brattle Oliver, who had married Parkman’s niece, Esther Parkman.

[3]Stephen Williams.

[4]The Reverend Joseph Sewall of the Old South Church.

[5]Tutor Henry Flynt of Harvard College.

[6]The Reverend Samuel Niles of Braintree.

[7]The Reverend Jonathan Townsend.

[8]Mather Byles of Boston.

[9](Harvard1722).  “Squire” Quincy, the great landowner and office-holder of Braintree and Boston.

[10]Thomas Prince of the Old South Church.

[11]Thomas Foxcroft of the First Church in Boston.