March 29, 1754

1754 March 29 (Friday).  Left a Letter for Mr. Amos Smith at his House, rode to Mr. Francis Wheeler’s and din’d there.  He gave me from under his Hand and witness’d that the Child which might be born of his Daughter in Westborough Should not be a Town Charge.  I call’d at Lieutenant Dakins, who favoured me with a pint of Hotspur Peas; but especially was desirous to acquint [sic] me with their present Difficultys with Mr. Loring and their purpose to have a Council.  I call’d at Mr. Lorings[1] in Marlborough — receiv’d of him his Chandlers History of Persecution.[2]  Was at Mr. Benjamin Woods’s.[3]  Paid him 30/ old Tenor in full of all Demands.  At Eve return’d home in Safety.  D.G.

[1]Jonathan Loring was the son of the Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[2]Samuel Chandler translated the following work by Philippus van Limborch, The History of the Inquisition, 2 vols. (London, 1731).  Chandler also published The History of Persecution, in four Parts (London, 1736).

[3]A leading citizen of Marlborough.