March 26, 1754

1754 March 26 (Tuesday).  Mr. Barker came with Mr. Smith.  N.B. Mr. Barker tells me Mr. Smith at the Time when he (Barker) went up to take a Mortgage of him did not acquaint him that he had given me a Deed, but said he was under Obligation to me — whereas Mr. Smith has told me he did inform Mr. Barker that he had given me a Deed.  Mr. Barker returns to Boston without effecting any Thing; for neither are the Conditions of my Bond fulfilled nor is there any security.  N.B. Mr. Bezaleel Smith here and Confronts Abraham with respect to the different Account he has given of the Sum which the place in Brookfield is mortgaged for.  Noah Forbush not well:  does no great matter of Business to Day.