March 25, 1754

1754 March 25 (Monday).  Thomas return’d:  Mr. Smith not accepting my Offer.  I went to Esquire Bakers to Consult him again upon my present Affairs; and to desire that the Select Men would defer their Warning Mr. Smith out of Town and especially if Some of his Friends would give Security respecting the Infant now expected; which he comply’d with, and at my Request he sent one of his Sons to Mr. Bezaleel Smith with a Note from me to have him come to Me or to his Kinsmans; and he came.  N.B. Captain Maynard and Mr. Benjamin How look out a place in my Land by the Meeting House to set stables.  I went over to see Mrs. Smith.  She says now that she is willing to sign a Deed.  But her Husband I find in the Same Disposition as he was, and increasing in self Vindications and Resentments.  Asks me to let his Goods remain in my House, while he carrys his Family to his or her Fathers, to which I consent, but will not be answerable for them.  N.B. His dread of Lying as he and I stood in the Road talking in the hearing of his Cousen Bezaleel.  I return’d home.  N.B. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard brought me a Load of Posts from the Ministerial Lot, and carry’d ‘em to the Island.  Mr. Batheric, Noah Forbush and my son Ebenezer Splicing Rails at the Ministerial Lott.  At Eve Mr. Smith comes here and brings Mr. Barker.  We effect no thing — but increase sin and Trouble.  The Lord shew Mercy!  and extend forgiveness!  Tis a Day of sore Temptation.  May God most gracious Help!  Mrs. Smith sent me a Letter in which She complains of great unkindness — which verily I never shewed her but the Contrary.