March 23, 1754

1754 March 23 (Saturday).  In the Morning I went to Esquire Baker and consulted him on the Smith Affair and wrote and left with him (another of the select Men) an information in Writing certifying when Mr. Smith his Wife and Daughter came into Town.  N.B. last Night Mr. Daniel Forbush came here from Brookfield and tells me that Mr. Smith was come up from Boston, and brought up a Letter (which he also delivered me and which was from Mr. Andrew Boardman of Boston) informing me that he Should Send up Mr. Barker on Monday to transact the Affair of taking off the Mortgage from Smiths Brookfield Land.  Mr. Smith came here and I imediately [sic] Sent for Esquire Baker who came.  They din’d here.  A warm Debate ensued.  I insist for security besides a Deed if we go on; Seeing Mr. Smith has So deceiv’d me, in the Matter of the Former Deed.  Captain Baker thinks it very Reasonable and Necessary.  Smith resists it.  When the Esquire was gone I offer to leave it to 3 indifferent Men.  N.B. I receiv’d another Letter from Mr. Boardman attested by him to be the Copy of what he had sent by Mr. Smith.  This came by the help of my Brother Samuel.