February 21, 1754

1754 February 21 (Thursday).  My Son Thomas return’d from Brookfield last night to t’other House without Lucy, but with Mr. Abraham Smith.  P.M. I went over to Mr. Smith and spent the afternoon there.  I return’d home at Evening not a little troubled that after all my Endeavours to gratifie my son, both he and his wife are not willing to Venture to go to Brookfield, but however my son does gratefully acknowledge what I wrote to him by Lieutenant Tainter.  My Thoughts are deeply engaged on these Matters.  We talk’d of Recanting the Bargain with Mr. Smith, who seems willing if we might both of us be just as we were before we began — and I thought to take him but left it untill the next Morning.  Finish’d a Letter to Mr. Martyn in Answer to his of the 12th.