January 29, 1753

1753 January 29 (Monday).  A more than ordinary fine Day.  Messrs. Jonah Warrin and Jonathan Bond and Joseph Grout, brought, each of them, a Load of Wood.  The wood of the two first and partly the Cutting, am beholden to Lieutenant Tainter for.  Mrs. Newton Sends Milk again; and from Esquire Bakers a Gallon ditto.  I rode out to visit Mrs. Adams (Eliphalet’s Wife) and Mrs. Beeman (Abraham’s Wife) was also at Lieutenant Bruce’s who gave me up my Bond of 145.10/ old Tenor and I gave him a new one of 100£ old Tenor.  He gave me also a new Deed including 9 Acres and 1 Rod of the Island.  N.B. I owe him 1£ 11s., 8d, old Tenor, besides the Interest and besides the Remainder of our old Reckoning.