January 22, 1753

1753 January 22 (Monday).  Mr. Bond brought Plank for my Thrashing Floor and to fill out what is wanting in the Stable.  N.B. Mr. Elijah Rice gave the Timber.  Messrs. Moses Brigham and Daniel Forbush draw’d the Loggs to Mill; and Mr. Jonathan Forbush saw’d them.  N.B. I sell my Turkeys to Mr. Bond for Rye.  The Turkeys at 20/ apiece and Rye at 25 per Bushel.  I have a more Strong and lively Sense of the Mortality of my Body etc. than usual (for me).  O that it might be continued and improv’d! I visited at Neighbour Frosts — there are 3 of them there — and their sister Ruth.  I paid her what I have for some time ow’d her — was at Neighbour Barns’s etc. at Lieutenant Bruce’s and gave him a Note to Mr. Grow for 54£ old Tenor and to his son Ephraim for 26£ of like money.  N.B. Mr. John Rogers at Thomas’s procuring, to assist him in providing for a Frame for a Shop.  Part of p.m. Cutts Timbers.