December 10, 1752

1752 December 10 (Sunday).  Extreme high Winds last night.  A Cold, uncomfortable Air, though bright.  I preach’d a.m. on Exod. 20.16.  I had prepar’d what I conceiv’d to be Sufficient for both Exercises, but that I might not be So long in the Exposition of this Commandment as I was of the last, I strove hard, and deliver’d the whole in one.  P.M. I form’d an Exercize from 2 Cor. 5.11, first part.  N.B. I deliver’d all that related to the Chapter and what was peculiar to the tenth of the Text, without writing.  And for the Body of the Subject us’d Sermon on Heb. 9.27, from page 21 to 28, and 37, 38.  And O that the Exercise might prove awakening and instructing unto all of us!