April 12, 1752

1752 April 12 (Sunday).  Read Deut. 5.  Preach’d on John 1.41.  P.M. administer’d the Lords Supper.  Read 1 Cor. 15 and with alterations etc. deliver’d the first of the sermon on number 22.  My Mind wrought tumultuously through the last Night from a deep Sense of my Negligence, Slothfulness and unfaithfulness — But I humbly make my Flight to the Glorious Redeemer, relying and depending on his Merits and Righteousness for Pardon and Acceptance with God.  N.B. Deacon Newton sick of the Throat Distemper.  I call’d Brother Tainter to officiate in his Room, which he did.  At Eve I visited the Deacon and found him very ill.