April 1, 1752

1752 April 1 (Wednesday).  Rode to Mr. Gashetts about a breaking up Plough, but he was not at home.  In my way I call’d at Mr. Bonds — Mr. Martyn Pratts, Chaddocks, Dunlops, Charles Bruce, Bowmans, Harringtons etc.  N.B. Ebenezer here when I return’d and took home his Mare.  Ebenezer brought about 1/2 a Load of Swamp Hay from Eliezer Rice, who he had gratify’d with part of a Barrell of Cyder.

April 3, 1752

1752 April 3 (Friday).  Mr. Claffland came to digg Stones, but being alone I ran to 3 or 4 near Neighbours for an Hand but in Vain.  He was forc’d to return home again.  N.B. he was to have brought Mr. William Pierce, but Mr. Pierce was gone to hewing Timber in Mr. Sherbourns Lott for my Barn.  For (by Lieutenant Tainters and Mr. Harringtons Means chiefly) a Number of Hands have freely gone and got a considerable Part of the Great Timber — and this Day Lieutenant Harrington brought Two Load of it to place, and Joseph Grout brought another Load — in all 22 Sticks — which is all the Large Timber for the Barn except Two posts, which another person is to provide.  A Singular Smile of divine Providence.  May God reward them for their Bounty and grant me grace to make a good use of it to divine Glory!  The three Carters din’d here with us.  P.M. My wife to See Mr. Edwards Whipples.

April 4, 1752

1752 April 4 (Saturday).  The Weather has been very Cold; and the Nights frosty for Some time.  This Morning very Cold.  Mr. Winchester returns from Boston — as does Mr. Kelly who was at my Brother Samuels and deliver’d my Letter — but he brought me no Return.  Mrs. Hitty Burnap is Still over at t’other House.  P.M. Mr. Whitney here.

April 6, 1752

1752 April 6 (Monday).  Mr. Claffland and Mr. Pierce came and dugg Stones out of the Ground I design to break up for an Orchard.  Mr. William Rogers junior work’d with Ebenezer at holing posts.  Constantine Hardy came to live a little while with us.  Mr. Batherick, being disquieted that we sung Mear Tune Yesterday.

April 7, 1752

1752 April 7 (Tuesday).  Mr. Pierce and Elijah Rice work for me partly in digging and drawing Stones, and partly in building Stone Wall at the Front Corner next to the Road.  Mr. Harrington came with 4 Oxen, Mr. Simon Tainter came with his Fathers Team with 4 Oxen and brought Mr. Gashetts Plough, Mr. Grouts Son came with 4 Oxen, Mr. Pratt came with a Yoke of Oxen, and all these with my own join’d to them made up a team to break up, and follow’d it all Day — they broke up a Piece of Ground for a Garden Spott — and a Field in which I purpose to plant an Orchard, but it not being wholly compleated, they agree to come again all of them (but Mr. Grouts Son) tomorrow morning and finish the Work.  Mr. Pierce stays and lodges here.  N.B. Mr. Joseph Hagar from Waltham here with a Letter from Captain Livermore[1] concerning Mr. Forbush.  Mr. Eliezer Rice here and asks for a Copy of the Votes of the Church respecting him.  Merodach Baladan Smith[2] was married to Abigail Bruce.[3]

[1]Nathaniel Livermore.

[2]Merodackbaladin was the son of Jonathan Smith of Marlborough.  Hudson, Marlborough, p. 446.

[3]The daughter of Lieutenant Abijah Bruce.

April 8, 1752

1752 April 8 (Wednesday).  The Breaking up Team came again this Morning and finish’d their Work.  Mr. Ebenezer Nurse’s came with his son Moses, viz. 4 Oxen, instead of Mr. Grouts.  N.B. Mr. Pratt gives his man Cornelius’s Work t’other Day in my Cellar and his oxens work yesterday and this morning, but asks pay for one Day for himself.  Mr. Nurses Team with Moses tarrys all the forenoon.  Mr. Pierce and Elijah Rice at the Stone Wall to Day.  My Son Ebenezer first begins to plough for sowing at the old place.  I rode to Grafton Lecture and preach’d on Rev. 22.16.  Return’d at Eve.  Ebenezer here at Eve and rode home his Mare.  N.B. Talk’d of his taking the place to the Halves etc.

April 10, 1752

1752 April 10 (Friday).  Receiv’d Two Letters per Mr. Winchester from Brother Samuel Parkman, dated the third Instant — one of them writ by Billy Bows, who with his sister Nabby and Cousen Sarah Tyley were inoculated on the second.  As soon as I had read I burnt both the Letters.  N.B. Mr. William Rogers and his wife apprehended and carry’d before Justice Liscomb[1] for Stealing (as it is suspect’d) Flax out of Mr. Jonas Brighams Barn, and at Night the Man was committed to Jayl.

[1]Samuel Lyscomb of Hopkinton, a justice of the peace.

April 12, 1752

1752 April 12 (Sunday).  Read Deut. 5.  Preach’d on John 1.41.  P.M. administer’d the Lords Supper.  Read 1 Cor. 15 and with alterations etc. deliver’d the first of the sermon on number 22.  My Mind wrought tumultuously through the last Night from a deep Sense of my Negligence, Slothfulness and unfaithfulness — But I humbly make my Flight to the Glorious Redeemer, relying and depending on his Merits and Righteousness for Pardon and Acceptance with God.  N.B. Deacon Newton sick of the Throat Distemper.  I call’d Brother Tainter to officiate in his Room, which he did.  At Eve I visited the Deacon and found him very ill.

April 13, 1752

1752 April 13 (Monday).  Old Mr. Dunlop came to work in my New Garden, to dig out the Roots which the plough has left, and prepare it for the Rake.  His son John also wrought for me.  They both came late.  John Singled Flax.  At Eve at Deacon Newtons — Justice Baker there also — now a bad Fever and is an ill man.  N.B. Mr. Maccarty[1] came to my House and lodg’d here.

[1]The Reverend Thaddeus Maccarty of Worcester.

April 14, 1752

1752 April 14 (Tuesday).  Thomas and Molly ride to Cambridge to see their Aunt Lydia.[1]  Thomas rode on Mr. Samuel Fay’s Beast: Molly on her Brother Ebenezers.  I had word from Deacon Newtons that he was worse.  Mr. Maccarty, and afterwards Messrs. Cushing,[2] Martyn and Buckminster[3] rode to Ministers Meeting at Hopkinton but I was oblig’d to stay and visit Deacon Newton, but he not being (as I conceive) altogether so bad as others apprehended, I rode to Hopkinton where I was through the Day and over Night.  N.B. The Affair of Father Loring[4] took us up the Chief of our Time; except what Deacon Mellen[5] and his son Daniel had.  N.B. The Night exceeding Cold.

[1]Lydia Champney was the sister of Parkman’s first wife.

[2]Job Cushing of Shrewsbury.

[3]Joseph Buckminster of Rutland.

[4]Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[5]Henry Mellen of Hopkinton.

April 15, 1752

1752 April 15 (Wednesday).  The Morning unseasonably Cold.  The Ground Froze at an unusual rate.  N.B. Mr. Maccarty lodg’d at Commisary Price’s.[1]  He preach’d the public Lecture from Jos. 24.24.  After Exercise Mr. Bridge of Framingham discover’d to me what he heard of Some of the Conduct of Deacon Millen at a certain neighbouring Ministers House, with regard to the late Council at Holliston, calling ‘em Numbskulls and Villains etc. whereupon I took opportunity and talk’d with him, and acquainted him with the Vote of the Council there “that he Should not speak again in the Council except he first make an acknowledgement of his bad Conduct Etc.”  As to Mr. Loring it was resolv’d that 2 or 3 of the Association make him a Visit and discourse with him upon his great Disgust with us, and that Messrs. Cushing, Barrett and Parkman go to him, and a Day was agreed upon — but I objected against my going, and propos’d Mr. Martyn; but it was not freely accepted.  My own private Affairs are at this Time in my new Circumstances, too much incumber’d to pretend to go abroad.  Messrs. Cushing, Martyn and Maccarty came home with me.  Mr. Dunlop has work’d in my New Garden, in digging up Roots, and subduing it; this is now the third Day.  Deacon Newton, I hear, is somewhat better.

[1]Roger Price of Hopkinton.

April 17, 1752

1752 April 17 (Friday).  Thomas and Molly return’d from Cambridge.  Thomas had drop’d his great Coat from his Horse in Roxbury — and did not find it.  Mr. Winchester from Boston informs that many die of the Small Pox there, and Some Number of those who were inoculated: particularly we hear that Mr. Robert Breck being inoculated, is dead.

April 20, 1752

1752 April 20 (Monday).  In the Garden again.  Am reading Dr. Youngs Sermons volume 2[1] borrow’d of Mrs. Barrett of Hopkinton.

[1]Edward Young (1643-1705) was a Fellow of Winchester College, Rector of Upham and Dean of Salisbury.  The work mentioned here was probably Sermons on Several Occasions, 2 vols. (London, 1702, 1703).  Another English edition appeared in 1706

April 22, 1752

1752 April 22 (Wednesday).  It has been very Cold, especially the Mornings very frosty — but today the Sun is very Warm, and is the most Spring-like Day we have had this Spring.  Mr. Bond brought 35 Rails from Rody Smiths, and Mr. Simon Tainter 50 from Elijah Rice’s.  Daniel Hastings of Watertown dines with us.  Mrs. Parkman is gone to reckon with Patty Pannell and paid her all that was due.

April 23, 1752

1752 April 23 (Thursday).  Mr. Edward Wilson came, and at last finished the Topping out of my Chimney — had Cornelius Cook for a Tender.  Another very warm Day.  I was oblig’d to go to Mr. Jonathan Forbush’s for another Bushel of Lime.  Was put to Difficulty for Clay to plaister the inside.  Try’d at Widow Newtons Clay-Pitts without Success.

April 24, 1752

1752 April 24 (Friday).  Ebenezer brought over a Load of Clay from Mr. Hows hither; Mr. Willson came again, to plaister the Chimney; and Cornelius Cook tended.  They work’d from a little before noon till Evening — paid Mr. Willson 40/ old Tenor in part.  Hot Still, even like in Summer.  Ebenezer return’d home after Dinner.  P.M. I rode to see old Mr. Rogers who is thought to be near his End.  A Letter etc. from Mr. Forbush at Brookfield.

April 26, 1752

1752 April 26 (Sunday).  Read Deut. 7.  Preach’d on Exod. 20.15.  P.M. read 2 Cor. 1.  Deliver’d the third Sermon on 1 Cor. 15.22, but from Rom. 5.12 with some alterations.  After Exercises we attended the Funeral of old William Rogers, who was thought to be in his 82nd Year.  May God Sanctify it to our aged people of whom we have some Number yet living.

April 27, 1752

1752 April 27 (Monday).  Mr. Joseph Gambel work’d for me, and p.m. he employ’d John Frost to help him — but would have it all to be set down, but a days Work.  Near Night I marry’d Joseph Far and Eunice Bradish.  Ebenezer brought in the Morning a Load of Posts and plough’d at the Island the Ground that was plough’d this Time Twelve Month, and lay Fallow.

April 28, 1752

1752 April 28 (Tuesday).  Ebenezer plough’d there again, and harrow’d it p.m. with Mrs. Newtons Harrow.  He had done before Night.  Exceeding difficulty [sic] to get any Body to Cart Rails which I have bought of Rody Smith and Elijah Rice.  The Ground by my new House design’d for a pasture lys open to the Flocks of Sheep.  A Letter from Mr. Josiah Swan about Eusebius.

April 30, 1752

1752 April 30 (Thursday).  Made return of Marriages to Mr. Francis Whipple, whom I Saw at Mr. Williams.  I din’t at old Mr. Rice’s.  A Dry Time — Signs of Rain, but they Seem to fail and go over.  It may put us in mind of our Conduct towards God with many Signs of Graciousness in our Profession, but very barren and unprofitable in our Hearts, and in our Conversation.  Mr. Winchester from Boston and his Wife from Cambridge bring News of Colonel Brattle’s Lady’s[1] Decease by the Small Pox.

[1]William Brattle (Harvard 1722) married Katherine, the daughter of Governor Gurdon Saltonstall on Nov. 13, 1727.  The Brattles lost five daughters and a son to the throat distemper (probably diphtheria), and Mrs. Brattle was ill with the same disease.  She recovered only to succumb to smallpox April 28, 1752.  Sibley, VII, 10-23.