February 23, 1752

1752 February 23 (Sunday).  Read Numb. 35.  Preached a.m. on Thom. 14.8.  P.M. read 1 Cor. 9, and took some notice of the providence of God which has ordered these two Chapters to be read the same day.  Preached on Rom 6.21.  We took into the Church Messrs. Jonathan Bond and Eleazer Whitney, Mary Bond, Margaret Chaddock, and Lydia Twitchell.[1]

[1]These new members had been dismissed from other towns as follows: Jonathan Bond and Lydia Twitchell from Watertown; Eleazer Whitney from Waltham; Margaret Chaddock from Hopkinton; Mary Bond (wife of Jonathan) from Mendon.  Westborough Church Records, Feb. 23, 1752.