October 16, 1751

1751 October 16 (Wednesday).  My Corn was laid expos’d where there was no fence, so that I rose Early to look after it.  Mr. Breck went to Marlborough to carry up Cousen Betty Gott[1] to live with him.  Mr. Jonathan Bellows came and work’d for me to Day, in taking Care of the Husks, building up the Corn Bin etc.  N.B. Ephraim Bruce, Barnabas Newton and Jonathan Bellows.  P.M. Sent Billy into the Whipple Corner for help in Husking.  Nobody came till about 4 p.m. when Mr. Samuel Fay junior, Mr. Joseph Green junior, and four Ladds — Viz. Abner and Francis Whipple and two sons of Mr. Fay aforesaid came and husk’d.  N.B. Mr. Amsden came to see us.

[1]Elizabeth was the daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Gott of Marlborough.