July 27, 1751

1751 July 27 (Saturday).  My Daughter Lucy and I rode down to Marlborough (using by his leave, Mr. Martyns Chair) to the Funeral of Dr. Gott.[1]  Mr. Smith[2] Said he was not well, and desir’d me to pray — but I refus’d.  Mr. Martyn and Mr. Stone being there the former of those pray’d.  Mr. Smith, when the Corps was carry’d forth, took the other Ministers home to his House.  I walk’d with Colonel Williams to the Grave.  When we return’d from the Grave I refus’d to tarry to Supper, because the Sabbath was so nigh.  We made haste home.

[1]Benjamin Gott, the physician of Marlborough, was Parkman’s brother-in-law.

[2]The Reverend Aaron Smith of Marlborough.