June 18, 1751

1751 June 18 (Tuesday).  In the Morning put in my Three Creatures and carry’d over the Load to my New House.  N.B. Lieutenant Tainter there and paid me 15£ old Tenor which I paid Mr. Baldwin for his Father.  N.B. Lieutenant Tainter was very Sharp upon me about the pride of Ministers, when he saw the Window Frames — and though I reprov’d him, for the unseasonableness of it, being before such a Number of Strangers, yet I endeavour’d to let him know that I was myself griev’d that the windows were so large and I have often said it that I wish’d they were less — but I was much more surpriz’d and troubl’d when I found that the posts of the House were a full foot shorter than I gave orders for and depended upon.  This was a Disappointment which Somewhat mov’d me — being laid with a number of other Afflictions — but may God grant patience!  Mr. Cushing[1] and Mr. Martyn with their wives, here; I and mine waited upon them to Southborough to See Mr. Stone and his New Spouse.[2]  We all din’d there; Mr. Loring also with us; and return’d at Eve.  N.B. Mr. Elisha Jones[3] of Weston here, but did not lodge.  Sister Hannah Champney[4] here from Sutton, brought by Brother Hicks who return’d home.

[1]The Reverend Job Cushing of Shrewsbury.

[2]The Reverend Nathan Stone of Southborough married his second wife, Mary, the daughter of the Reverend Peter Thacher of Middleborough, May 16, 1751.

[3]Jones held various town offices and later represented Weston in the General Court.

[4]Parkman’s first wife’s sister, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Hicks of Sutton.