June 11, 1751

1751 June 11 (Tuesday).  I rode to Shrewsbury to ministers meeting.  N.B. Mr. Morse and Mr. Davis[1] indecently laugh’d out at reading my Collection — which was Judge Dudleys Elegant Translation of Dr. Thomas Burnets Dedication of his Archaeologia to King William.[2]  I return’d home at Night.  N.B. Mr. Morse asks advice in his Case with Mr. Silas Brigham, one of our church.

[1]The Reverend Joseph Davis of Holden.

[2]Burnet’s work first appeared as Archaeologiae Philosophicae: sive Doctrina Antiqua de Rerum Originibus (London, 1692).  Other editions, some in English translations, followed.  The editor has found no record of publication of the translation of the dedication by the late Justice Paul Dudley.