October 25, 1750

1750 October 25 (Thursday).  Mr. Newton and Forbush at the Chimneys — Jonathan Smith tended.  Joseph Rice came and offer’d to help me to Day.  Thomas and he carted and sledded stones about the well.  I rode to Lieutenant Tainters to acquaint him with Mr. Edwards of Northamptons Message; and he sent the Mare to Lieutenant Eagers.  P.M. Expected Hands to level the Banks from the New House to the Well, but there came no one but Ebenezer Forbush.  I fear’d Mr. Pierce (who was at the projecting this and appointing the Day) would not come; and therefore I expressly Sent for Mr. Biglo to help in raising up the Wall of our Well, and he and Ebenezer Forbush work’d till Evening.  Mr. Nathaniel Whitney informs me that Mr. William Williams of Weston was dismissed from his people by the Advice of a Council last night.  A most shocking Event in the Course of Divine Providence!  The Lord Sanctifie it to all!  N.B. My Neighbour Pratt greatly disturbed with me for Lieutenant Tainters proceeding with him but most unjustly, because I besought him on Pratts behalf.  At Evening Edwards Whipple here.  A.M. Neighbour How assisted Ebenezer in getting 3 Mantle Trees, and p.m. Ebenezer help’d him dig potatoes.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Warrin and Mr. Ithamar Bellows brought 6 Load of Stones.