1750 October 20 (Saturday). Mr. Newton at the Chimneys. Mr. Forbush also; and Jonathan Smith to tend ‘em. I rode over to Mr. Martyns, and thence to Bolton. Din’d at Mr. Benjamin Baileys. Proceeded to Mr. Robert Fosgits[1] for Brick for my new Ovens and for topping out my Chimneys. Mr. Fosgit not at Home, but his wife went with me to the Kiln where I picked out 600 and some odd Bricks, and Two Dozen of Tile. The Bricks at 7£ old Tenor per Thousand, The Tile 1 Shilling a piece. Agreed with Mr. Bailey to cart ‘em to his House and Mr. Goddard to cart them Home, to my own. Return’d at Eve to Mr. Martyns. Mr. Stone[2] there, to Change with Mr. Martyn. I lodg’d there.
[1]Fosgit, or Fosgate, owned the first brick-yard in Bolton. Soon there were several others operating in this town.
[2]The Reverend Nathan Stone of Southborough.