October 7, 1750

1750 October 7 (Sunday).  Much afflicted with Toothach.  Had a sorrowful Night of Pain.  Drew a Blister but it did not give me Ease.  I went to Meeting through much Difficulty, and through Divine Goodness went through the Exercises.  Read Levit. 2 and gave Some account of that Book and the Contents of the first Chapter but enlarged on the Meaning of the second, preach’d on Lev. 19.30 repeating in part what I formerly deliver’d on that Text, from page 20 to 22, nigh the Bottom; but with great additions on the Hand of Reading the Sacred Scriptures.  None of my Family besides me din’d at the Esquires to Day.  P.M. read John 15, and preach’d on the fourth Commandment but us’d the Same Text as the Morning, and us’d likewise the passages in those Sermons which are in page 22 near the Bottom, to page 25.  Many Strangers, especially from Southborough among us at the Worship.