1750 October 8 (Monday). Expected Masons but they came not. I provided Two Hands, Mr. Frost and Thomas Whipple to tend ‘em but was oblig’d to employ ‘em in throwing out the Cobbling Stones out of the Cellar, which may do for the Well; and p.m. to digg Stones for the well. I was much indispos’d, yet made a shift to ride over. Found no Mr. Pierce at the Well. Jonathan Smith thrashes with Ebenezer. A.M. they gather Corn. P.M. a Council of 3 ministers Sit at Shrewsbury to Day. Revd. Door,[1] Martyn[2] and Harrington.[3] P.M. receiv’d a Letter dated September 29 with Clerk of Study, from Mr. Edwards[4] of Northampton. N.B. the Town met at the North Side to see what to do with those who took down the Meeting House. Lieutenant Tainter here, with Resentments of high Seasoning concerning the meeting. At Eve Lieutenant and Mr. Daniel Forbush here when they were returning from Town Meeting. Town did nothing about the old Meeting House. I was in much pain, which Mr. Forbush Seeing, acquainted me with a Remedy used by him with observable Success, which he communicated the Knowledge of; and which though very Disagreeable, yet the more clearly Methods (Blister etc.) us’d by me, failing, and my affliction great, I yielded freely to — viz. Cow dung fir’d in Hoggs Fatt — and lay all Night with my Face on’t Despicable as it seems; it gave me Relief. D.G.
[1]The Reverend Joseph Dorr of Mendon.
[2]The Reverend John Martyn of Northborough.
[3]The Reverend Timothy Harrington (Harvard 1737), had served the First Congregational Church at Swanzey, N.H., and since August, 1748, had been the minister of the First Congregational Church of Lancaster. Sibley, X, 188-195.
[4]The great Jonathan Edwards.