March 18, 1750

1750 March 18 (Sunday).  Rugged Morning.  I rode over to the North Precinct.  Sent my Mare back from the Country Road by Joel Rice.[1]  I read (at Mr. Martyns meeting) Exod. 31, and preach’d on Ps. 17.15 first part, carrying on my Discourse on the Happiness of Heaven begun heretofore on Mat. 25.46 latter part.  It prov’d a rainy Day.  P.M. I read Luke 16.  Preach’d on John 12.26, managing another Head of the same subject.  Contribution in that assembly for Mr. Joshua Biglow of Worcester, amounted to about 13£ old Tenor.  Mr. Martyn preach’d for me on 2 Tim. 3.5.  He and his wife din’d at Justice Bakers.  N.B. he did not read in public, a. or p.m.  Contribution in the South parish was for the Widow Richards in Southborough, and amounted to [blank].  N.B. It was so rainy, and having no Horse, I lodg’d at Mr. Martyns, who return’d home at Eve.  N.B. Brother Hicks at our House.

[1]Son of Josiah Rice of Westborough.