March 12, 1750

1750 March 12 (Monday).  Rode to Mr. Elisha Wards and to Lieutenant Brighams.  Lieutenant Tainter with me, endeavouring to trade with owners of the Land round about the Meeting House.  I din’d there.  P.M. rode up to our Meeting House the Precinct being met there for the choice of Officers, and I desir’d to know their minds respecting Two Requests I had Receiv’d — one from Revd. Mr. Maccarty in behalf of Mr. Joshua Biglo in Worcester whose House was burnt, and another from Revd. Mr. Stone in behalf of the widow Richards of Southborough, who was lately burnt out also.  The Moderater desir’d me to go in.  I comply’d, but tarry’d not long.  They voted there Should be a Contribution for the Widow.  N.B. Captain Maynard and I renewed Bounds near the Burying place.  N.B. Mr. Whipple had from me Three papers of mine which had been heretofore put into the Precincts Book.  Cold, Raw, Searching Air.  Mr. Jeduthan Fay took my Oxen to keep.