March 6, 1750

1750 March 6 (Tuesday).  Rode with Mr. Dodge to his uncle Joseph Knowltons, and din’d there.  Proceeded to see his aged grandmother, and uncles Abraham and Ezekiel.  At Eve in returning I call’d at Mr. Francis Whipples.  N.B. his Discovering to me the Temper and Proceedings of the late precinct Meeting about my Removal and their Endeavours to have the Grant of 500£ loaded with new and hard Conditions before they would vote to enter it into a Rate.  He also discover’d to me that he had in his Hands my Paper of March 3, 1745/6 which was my Answer to the Precincts renewed Call — which had it been seen or remember’d at the Time of the late meetings about my Affairs would have prevented much Trouble.  Mr. Daniel Hardy riving out Posts for me.