March 1, 1750

1750 March 1 (Thursday).  Fine Day.  Mr. Cushing here and wants Advice in their Troubles which increase rather than diminish.  Mr. Isaac Stones[1] uneasiness So great that he moves for a Dismission and Colonel Ward[2] is not far from asking the Same.  Mr. Martyn here likewise.  The both din’d here.  The Latter preach’d my Lecture.  Text Eccl. 1.2.  They went from Meeting, to Southborough.

[1]Lieutenant Stone was one of the first selectmen of Shrewsbury.  Ward, Shrewsbury, pp. 423-424-

[2]Nahum Ward, the magistrate.

March 4, 1750

1750 March 4 (Sunday).  A.M. read Exod. 16.  Exposition with Application to the Occasion of the Communion which was administer’d today.  I din’d at Justice Bakers.  My Wife and Daughter Molly tarry’d at the Meeting House.  P.M. on Eph. 1.3.  Have but two low and dull sense of these great Things.  O that God might raise and quicken me by his almighty Grace and Spirit!

March 5, 1750

1750 March 5 (Monday).  Having appointed the Catechizing to Day at the School House on the South part of the Town I rode over to attend upon it.  At Deacon Newtons Desire I din’d at his House.  N.B. had no message from the Town meeting about my Prayer with them.  Know not whether there was any at all.  At Catechizing about 45 Children.  Mr. Ezekiel Dodge here at Eve.  He lodg’d here.  N.B. his Call at Abington.

March 6, 1750

1750 March 6 (Tuesday).  Rode with Mr. Dodge to his uncle Joseph Knowltons, and din’d there.  Proceeded to see his aged grandmother, and uncles Abraham and Ezekiel.  At Eve in returning I call’d at Mr. Francis Whipples.  N.B. his Discovering to me the Temper and Proceedings of the late precinct Meeting about my Removal and their Endeavours to have the Grant of 500£ loaded with new and hard Conditions before they would vote to enter it into a Rate.  He also discover’d to me that he had in his Hands my Paper of March 3, 1745/6 which was my Answer to the Precincts renewed Call — which had it been seen or remember’d at the Time of the late meetings about my Affairs would have prevented much Trouble.  Mr. Daniel Hardy riving out Posts for me.

March 8, 1750

1750 March 8 (Thursday).  My Wife and I rode to Mr. Martyns Lecture.  Mr. Eliezer Rice favour’d me with his Mare.  Din’d there.  Mr. Smith there also — but Mr. Cushing preach’d on John 6.26.  At our Return Esq. Baker took Mr. Rice’s Horse to deliver him to his Master.  N.B. Lucy at Mr. John Chamberlins while her Husband is gone to Boston.

March 12, 1750

1750 March 12 (Monday).  Rode to Mr. Elisha Wards and to Lieutenant Brighams.  Lieutenant Tainter with me, endeavouring to trade with owners of the Land round about the Meeting House.  I din’d there.  P.M. rode up to our Meeting House the Precinct being met there for the choice of Officers, and I desir’d to know their minds respecting Two Requests I had Receiv’d — one from Revd. Mr. Maccarty in behalf of Mr. Joshua Biglo in Worcester whose House was burnt, and another from Revd. Mr. Stone in behalf of the widow Richards of Southborough, who was lately burnt out also.  The Moderater desir’d me to go in.  I comply’d, but tarry’d not long.  They voted there Should be a Contribution for the Widow.  N.B. Captain Maynard and I renewed Bounds near the Burying place.  N.B. Mr. Whipple had from me Three papers of mine which had been heretofore put into the Precincts Book.  Cold, Raw, Searching Air.  Mr. Jeduthan Fay took my Oxen to keep.

March 15, 1750

1750 March 15 (Thursday).  Public Fast.  Preach’d on Jer. 5 from number 20 to 25 and read number 29 a. and p.m.  P.M. I improv’d some Heads in sermon on Isa. 33.14, viz. from page 5 to 14.  Sometimes only here and there a Sentence, as particularly from page 9 to 12.  My Wife and Lucy walk’d to meeting; Molly rode with me on the Mare.  It prov’d very Cold: at length snow’d.  I went to Deacon Newtons at Noon.  My wife, Molly and Lucy stay’d at the Meeting House, because of the storm.  After Meeting the storm being exceeding Strong, the Snow beating very vehemently, my wife rode home with me, Esq. Baker kindly Sent a Son with an Horse to help Molly home, and Mr. Eliezer Rice kindly help’d Lucy home, So that we got home in Some Comfort to what it would have otherwise been, but I think it was more tedious than any Sabbath through the Winter.  May God be pleas’d to forgive our Defects bless his holy word; hear our Supplications and be reconcil’d to us!  N.B. I was not only oblig’d to undergo such a storm after preaching, but to look after my Creatures at the Barn.  My Health has been much expos’d to Day.

March 18, 1750

1750 March 18 (Sunday).  Rugged Morning.  I rode over to the North Precinct.  Sent my Mare back from the Country Road by Joel Rice.[1]  I read (at Mr. Martyns meeting) Exod. 31, and preach’d on Ps. 17.15 first part, carrying on my Discourse on the Happiness of Heaven begun heretofore on Mat. 25.46 latter part.  It prov’d a rainy Day.  P.M. I read Luke 16.  Preach’d on John 12.26, managing another Head of the same subject.  Contribution in that assembly for Mr. Joshua Biglow of Worcester, amounted to about 13£ old Tenor.  Mr. Martyn preach’d for me on 2 Tim. 3.5.  He and his wife din’d at Justice Bakers.  N.B. he did not read in public, a. or p.m.  Contribution in the South parish was for the Widow Richards in Southborough, and amounted to [blank].  N.B. It was so rainy, and having no Horse, I lodg’d at Mr. Martyns, who return’d home at Eve.  N.B. Brother Hicks at our House.

[1]Son of Josiah Rice of Westborough.

March 19, 1750

1750 March 19 (Monday).  Stormy morning.  Yet I return’d home; a little way on Mr. Martyns Horse, and meeting Billy on my own mare coming for me Chang’d Horses.  Brother Hicks went away this morning.  N.B. Lieutenant Bruce[1] here he being about buying Mr. Cornelius Cooks[2] place, and offers it to me for the Same.

[1]Abijah Bruce of Westborough.

[2]Westborough’s troublesome blacksmith.

March 20, 1750

1750 March 20 (Tuesday).  Storm of Snow so great that considering the great Straits of many people for Hay, it is very sorrowfull and distressing.  Deacon Newton here in the Morning and brought the Contribution of our Parish for the Widow Richards — it amounted to £13.16.10, but very few large Bills — only 1 20/ Bill in the whole — one 14/ — and but a few 10’s.  2£ 16/ of Hampshire.  £2.13.6 Rhode Island, of which a considerable number were of the condemned Bills.  It grieves me much.  Yet I am glad they did anything Since we are at this Day so many ways burden’d.  The Lord accept our offering! but if any have knowingly offerred to the Lord a Corrupt Thing, the Lord be pleased to detect it to their Consciences, give ‘em the Grace to repent of it, and in great Mercy forgive it!

March 21, 1750

1750 March 21 (Wednesday).  Storm continues Still.  Mr. Jeduthun Fay return’ed my Oxen home.  Was at Merchant Rice’s and paid all, clearing myself and my Children wholly of all other-Government Money.  P.M. Mr. Ithamar Bellows here to acquaint me with the Death of Mr. Josslins Daughter Patience.  Before Night the weather clear.  N.B. Neighbour Ebenezer Maynard digging a Cellar in order to build a new House on the Land which was heretofore Brother Hicks’s.

March 23, 1750

1750 March 23 (Friday).  My Wife rode with me to the Funeral of Mr. Joslins Daughter Patience.  After the burying, and the people gone off, my wife and I Spent a little Time in viewing the Land round the Burying Place, and meeting House, that we look up a place to build on; but all seem’d to me so barren and undesirable, that I can have little Encouragement.  But I desire to repose my Self in God.  N.B. Ebenezer waited on Cousen Bekky with her Babe, to her Father Warrins.

March 25, 1750

1750 March 25 (Sunday).  So rainy Night, and in early Morn, I was so indispos’d I was not determin’d to go to meeting: but I was afterwards better, and the weather Clear’d; so that I went to Meeting; but having only one Horse but few of us got to meeting.  I carry’d Lucy and Ebenezer, and William went on Foot; all the Rest tarried at home a.m.  N.B. Public Thanks for God’s great Goodness in restoring my son: this being the first of his going to meeting since his sickness.  I read Exod. 18, with some considerable of Exposition and Observations.  Preach’d about an hour on Jer., and did not break off till about half after Twelve — but ask’d their pardon for detaining them so long.  Din’d at Justice Bakers.  Rode before his wife to Meeting.  P.M. read Luke 20, and since I chose rather to deliver all my Preparations in one Exercise than to divide it; and Because of the Paragraph in the Reading of our Lords Answering the Pharisees concerning the Resurrection, I therefore took the latter part of my Exercise on the Resurrection, and repeated instead of a Sermon or Exposition.  After the services I gave a Warning to such of the Congregation as in the late Contribution put in Bills of poor Credit.  But as the forenoon Sermon was very moving, May God be pleas’d to impress all our souls deeply with what was then deliver’d!

March 26, 1750

1750 March 26 (Monday).  Grass begins to Spring.  Mr. Buckminster[1] of Rutland here.  Their Divisions, especially Captain Rice[2] and Deacon Ball’s[3] Still continue.

[1]The Reverend Joseph Buckminster.

[2]Edward Rice was an original settler of Rutland.  Reed, Rutland, pp.111-113.

[3]Eleazer Ball.  For the disputes in Rutland and the stormy career of the New-Light, Reverend Thomas Frink, see Sibley, VII, 70-75.

March 28, 1750

1750 March 28 (Wednesday).  Was at Captain Maynards — his Discourse gave Some Trouble, as he endeavour’d to blacken the Characters of Several principal persons in the parish, and perswade me that there was some Number of persons who do not desire my Continuance here.  Gave me very Strong Caution and warning not by any means to depend upon or Expect one farthing more of the Parish towards my Remove than the Naked 500£.  Besides this there was much more of the same Nature.  N.B. Captain had been out after his Brother James’s Son John who was suppos’d to be run away.

March 29, 1750

1750 March 29 (Thursday).  Ebenezer got 600 of Hay at Ensign Rice’s, a.m.  N.B. Captain Maynard help’d him get it home.  P.M. Lecture to young Society from Ps. 63.8, repeated with many Alterations and Additions.  May God humble and quicken us all!  At Eve Lieutenant Bruce here again, to let me know he had now got a Deed of Mr. Cornelius Cooks place, and offers it or any part of it to Me, at the Same rate that he bought it of Mr. Cook.

March 30, 1750

1750 March 30 (Friday).  Ebenezer So weak yet, and indispos’d that he can’t bear Work.  Being a Warmish Pleasant Day, we are invited to gardening.  Patty Pannell does what she can in making Beds and Sewing some early Seeds.  My Mind is greatly fill’d with a Variety of heavy, perplexing Cares and Troubles.  I endeavour in Some Measure to committ myself to God and repose myself in His Graciousness and Faithfullness.