October 9, 1749

1749 October 9 (Monday).  A.M. I rode over to Mr. Harringtons for the 2 Volumes of Mr. Flavells[1] works which he had brought up for me from Mr. Daniel Gookins[2] of Boston.  Also visited Mr. Jonah Warrins Family, one of his Children being ill.  Mr. Death[3] of Framingham here to buy my Young Horse, but goes away without him.  P.M. rain.  Ebenezer to Rutland after the stray Cattle.

[1]John Flavell (1627-1691), a popular English dissenting divine, was the author of numerous books.  Parkman may have referred to The Whole Works of… J. Flavel… Now First Collected Together, 2 vols. (London, 1701).  Several other editions followed.  Numerous individual works by Flavell were published in Boston, but there was no American edition of his collected works.

[2]A bookseller located near the Old South Church in Boston.

[3]Oliver Death.